UTXO consolidation…
Pulling up the big boy pants
I’m learning how to sell. By creating a messaging framework. Understanding what the triggers are and objections on selling.
I’m learning how to program large language models to automate stuff in python.
I’m learning how to make a song on a computer. The lyrics. The notes, the chords.
These are all things I have been learning this month.
What python libraries are you using for LLMs?
Langchain And next week LangchainBitcoin
This guy teaches you langchain.
I’m learning how to get along with less sleep. I’ve always been a minimum 8 hours guy. I would let myself get 7 hours sometimes but not usually.
Lately I’m getting probably 6-6.5 hours on average. I think it costs some focus and willpower, and might even threaten health more generally, but it’s an interesting trial nonetheless.
Have kids lol. No, but seriously, I learnt to live with less sleep out of necessity.
I found that the amount of sleep you need is closely connected to your health. Eat healthy, stop drinking and regular exercise makes a big difference.
The rule of thumb is 8 hours but it varies wildly for each individual. And it changes as you get older. Kids and teenagers need more than adults. The elderly generally sleep less.
You can definitely do 7 regularly. Sometimes you can do 6 but pushing the limit can mean the difference between a productive day and a crappy one.
Don't do that. Why would you do that to yourself. Just sleep as you need. Lack of sleep is not good for anybody. You gotta take care of your body.
It gives me 8-10 more awake hours. I'm viewing it as an experiment. I know it's generally not a good thing.
i am def a sleep maxi...feel like i cant function nearly as well without at least 7 hours. Interested to hear how your experiment goes!
I definitely don't function as well in some ways. We probably reduce functioning without sleep in ways we're unaware. I've noticed deep work is harder, but I can get more shallow work done which is a lot of what I end up having to do most days.
It's been a couple months of this now. I'll probably give it to the end of the year.
I tried that too, but gave up because I needed much more time after getting up to be fit and focused. Do you do certain things to achieve this, or just try to make it a habit?
Nothing special. I just set an alarm and wake up then regardless of when I go to bed. I walk ~2.5 miles to work everyday which might serve to wake me up but I did that when I was getting more sleep.
I've gone extended periods with 4-5 hour averages, I verified that there is a "sleep tax" that builds up in your body and my limit for that schedule was about 6 months until I had to start catching back up with 8-9 hour averages.
I'm learning to handle grief.
My brother committed suicide yesterday which was on the one year anniversary of his wife doing the same. Both had their struggles.
You sort of just assume that friends and family roughly your age will be around and grow old along side of you. Sadly, it's not always the case.
I've just discharged myself from rehab at day 21 of a 28 day rehab for heroin addiction. I left early because my wife was involved in a significant car accident. She's still in intensive care with burns and broken limbs. But let's be real - 21 days was more of a detox than a rehab. If I'm being honest, I probably need 60 to 90 days in there. Clearly unable to do that right now.
Two months ago if this had happened I'd have put a syringe in my arm and had a shot to forget about this. God knows I'm stinging to do that right now too. But that's the temporary and easy way out of life. Life is hard.
Please. For your sake, and your loved ones, if things start getting rough for you don't be afraid to reach out and talk to someone - anyone - about what's going on for you. I'm assuming most people here identify as male. It's not a sign of weakness.
Putting your hand up and saying you need support is a sign of strength.
So yeah - dealing with grief. That's what I'm learning today.
Hugs. I hope this message finds you better
Sorry for your loss. I lost a friend this way, I know your pain. Reach out if you want to talk.
Sorry for your loss.
My condolences on your loss
Stay strong, I'm sorry for your loss.
Very sorry for your loss, very sorry to hear that. Hang in there friend 🧡
deleted by author
Learning how to market and scale my business.
First lesson is avoid anyone offering to teach you ‘how to market and scale your fitness business’ - the health and fitness market is stacked high with business coaches who will offer to 10x your client list etc etc.
The fiat high time preference mindset is all pervasive. Slow and steady will win the race.
I've been tempted but I'm too skeptical.
My 2 cents…/
Keep posting your content, the stuff about the turn up attitude seems to be landing so push that. Amend your bio to say a little more about your service. It’s impressive what you can do with a kettlebell but how long did take you to learn it?, do you expect me to do that on our first session?, what’s your. motivation for being a coach? What do you do and how can you help me? All of these questions can be addressed following a daily content based marketing push and prequalify some potential clients long before you make them an offer for training.
*not marketing advice ;-) but it will totally work!
Great break down. I'll apply that and tweak my Bio.
Thanks Fren 👍
this year i’ve made some big leaps in my ability to cook… enjoying the learning (and eating) process so far
That's great! I never cooked much more than maybe a chilli (it was a good one) until my sister-in-law bought me a cookbook. I've been learning and experimenting and enjoying ever since. Good food doesn't have to be hard and damn is is satisfying to look at a dish that tastes good and say, "I made that, from just base ingredients, I made that look good, taste good, smell good. I turned unappealing into appealing". And really bringing the joy back into food.
Same, been honing in on Mediterranean cuisine as of late.
I've been mostly zeroing in on South East Asian recipes. Sometimes the ingredients you get outside of that area just don't have the same effect. But I'm getting closer!
NixOS to understand and run nix-bitcoin on my next node setup.
Learning and understanding Kubernetes
Good move. It's a complicated software but all worth it. Good career choice also !
I’m always learning to learn, always. And it’s new every damn time after you’ve learned something how to learn. It’s quite a deep rabbithole.
How to use liquid.
Do you need it for something or just out of curiosity?
Just curious
I'm learning how to sweepremoteclose. :(
I'm also taking the Plebdevs course. :)
Azure. Coming from Unix world is a hard "religious" change but after few weeks I have discovered that they just another cloud company and not necessarily all Microsoft. Did you know you can run FreeBSD VMs on Azure? Ya, I didn't know either. Have to learn it for business reasons, ain't that all bad when you abstract "Microsoft smell". Think API and you will be fine, even on Azure :-)
Conversational Italian, meditation and skipping. Not always in that order lol
Sensei can teach you.
You know when Italians toast Cin Cin while drinking, they are referring to the penis in Japanese.
Italians will cringe when you use FIKA (the Swedish word for coffee break) on them. To them, it refers to the vagina
Funny! We usually say ‘salute’ and then ‘ cin-cin’
Oh you are of Italian descent?
With a name like Carlos? Not really. I have learnt Italian in the last year and have been conversing with Italian friends at dinner once a month. We always end the night with a toast.
I'll convert to a skipping maxi when btc breaks $100k
Your skipping, laser guided snails, a profile picture of Michael Saylor showing his actual eyes…. $100k is gonna be carnage.
Home Assistant. I'm a big advocate of self hosting and I don't do IoT crap. Finally getting my DIY devices into HA.
What is the main reason you started with smart home devices? Convenience, security, the tech?
All of those. Been messing with Pi's and ESPs for years.
Ive used HA before but never stuck.
IOT - Internet of Things. It has it's own industrial standards for communication protocols and message structure. Something different for me.
Learning how to run a Bitcoin Node
yep same :)
It’s Sensei doing a check-in again! You should just share your experience on this!
Oh you b*stard lol Well so far I have nothing to share. Had hardware issues and need a new ethernet port. Besides that I've been working on life and career goals.
Doing several 5 and 10 yr plans for different categories (health, finances, personal development, business etc).
Also trying to tie them all together in a make shift ikigai
Same. Umbrel, raspberry pi 4
I'm learning the different passive ways to stack sats
Marine Electronics, growing food, python, fatherhood (21 years of practice, think I'm getting the hang of it...), Photography & editing, patience...a few things to be working on...
At least I think that's the right word. Accepting and learning from past mistakes. Helping others without expecting anything in return and at the same time realising I've still got a lot to learn.
Patience, and remembering to prioritise rest when you really need it.
Bitcoin always, still learning.
Am learning how to run a cafe (profitably, ideally)
Getting my head around Viem to interact with a smart contract on the Gnosis chain. I know: it's shitty but it's a paid job ;)
It should be simple call a read-only function in a contract right? Well...it does not work! Ghehehe...ok hang on! This live demo was broken while I was testing it. Now my weekend starts and it works...damn...love my job!
How to breathe haha
I enjoyed reading all the responses