Here are a few interesting projects/websites that use lightning in one way or another:
  • LNURLVend. A $250 completely offline bitcoin vending machine using lightning. It's even battery powered, so you can just grab it and use it anywhere. Here's a video of it in action.
  • Pollofeed. This is a live camera showing chickens. You can feed them by paying a few sats with lightning and see them eat their food live!
  • Sphinx. Decentralized chat/social media/etc, you can even sell your texts/photos/media out of the box. All using sats.
  • Juggernaut. Similar to sphinx. All using sats.
  • Alby. Use lightning in the browser. You can authenticate (no more user/pass), and make lightning transactions right from your browser. No need to switch between apps or creating invoices. All works seamlessly.
  • LNPay. Create lapps (lightning apps) easily by setting up paywalls or faucets with this service.
  • Lightning Exchanges. List of exchanges that support withdrawals and sending bitcoin with lightning.
  • SolDirac. A Q/A website that pays you sats via lightning to answer the questions.
  • 21 Days of Bitcoin course from the Bitcoin Magazine. Earn 2,100 sats for free redeemable through lightning while learning more about Bitcoin with this course.
  • BTC Pay Server. Accept bitcoin with lightning at your store for free.
  • bitrefill. Buy gift cards for many stores worldwide with lightning.
  • Lightning network explorer. Cool map showing public lightning nodes all around the world.
  • Satsback. Earn sats back whenever you buy stuff. It's like cashback but with sats instead, and paid with lightning.
  • Lightning Network Stores. Directory of stores that support lightning.
  • If you want to run a lightning node with 100% open source where you have full control of every aspect of the stack: Open source stack to run your own Lightning node⚡
  • lightning address. Make your own lightning address for simpler payments in lightning.
  • zebedee API. API to use sats as micro-payments in games.
  • Mastering the Lightning Network. Github repository of the lightning book from Andreas Antonopoulos, where you can download the source code, and read the contents of the book for free.
  • If you ever need to send a fax, you can do it with lightning
  • If you need to send an SMS instead, here's how to send it with lightning
  • Some great lightning wallets: If you just want the simplest non-custodial one, go with Muun. If you want the simplest custodial one, go with Wallet of Satoshi. If you want to be able to customize things a bit and maybe even use your own lightning node you can check out Breeze, BlueWallet, Phoenix. If you want a wallet with all the latest state of the art stuff implemented into it, check out Blixt. If you want to have full control of your lightning node, checkout Zeus.
Happy ⚡!
Don't forget music on lightning ⚡!
The "web3" nobody talks about...
I would also add
This is a quick and easy way to create LNURL QR codes than you can gift out. I add them to the end of my blog for anyone who ever reads it haha
lightning gifts is great. It was acquired by LNPay in 2020, so it's already in the list!
You can also use Alby to generate your own lightning address, and add it to your blog. If a user has the Alby extension they will see your ⚡address and be able to tip you easily.
This is great. Lightning truly brings a native currency to the internet.
I’d really love to see more guides & libraries for web developers to simply integrate their apps with lightning.
Lightning is the new subscription service, authentication service & micropayment service.
Also Podcasting 2.0 and the Podcast Index! The ability to stream sats to podcasters is still very underrated. Could be a Patreon-buster.Don't forget music on lightning ⚡!
Kraken is a big famous exchange and it is wonderful that they have lightning withdrawal. So I just created an account and wated to stack some sats, but they don't accept credit cards by Payment Service Providers and there are tons of hoops to jump through in their Etana Custody registration and KYC. Custody is not a good word to show so boldly. Is there a lightning exchange that allows withdrawal at minimal or no KYC and also accepts all types of credit cards for funding?
thanks for posting this list!
Thanks a bunch for all the resources, digging into the github for mastering LN now thanks to you!
thanks for the list, never heard of juggernaut before, will check it out
I just installed it, I'm a noob as far as lightning lingo goes, it says after install to "Add Node", do I need to have my own Umbrel node or something, or can I just add anybody's node to start with Juggernaut?
Is obsolete that app. It stopped being maintained at LND 0.13 Is not working anymore with LND 0.14
oh! but in any case, about my node question, when any site/software asks "add node", do I need to have my own node like an umbrel node or are there public nodes that can be added? I'm sorry I really need to do a crash course to understand all the lightning lingo, don't understand much.
oh sorry, I missed that part you asked. "public nodes" you mean hosted nodes like In any way, if it is a home node (in a machine that you control it) or on a hosted node, it doesn't matter, you need to have the "keys" to that node, otherwise you can't use apps like Juggernaut.
To learn more about LN start here
Also Podcasting 2.0 and the Podcast Index! The ability to stream sats to podcasters is still very underrated. Could be a Patreon-buster.