Orange pilled a business in Bali, Indonesia today to start accepting sats. They were accepting USDT before 🤢. Now ONLY accepting sats 😎
Set them up on Breez POS and have them exporting funds to BlueWallet as a backup as Breez is still in Beta. Anyone know a stable Lightning Point of Sale wallet on iOS I can set them up on instead of Breez beta? I want to also get a couple more business in the area onboard lightning so trying to streamline my process. ⚡️
You could look into using LNBits. They have a self-hosting option seperate from their website that is included in the Umbrel & RunCitdal Bitcoin Node clients.
Once you setup your "Master" Wallet (Just needs you to choose a name) then you click on "Manage Extensions" -> "TPOS" & follow the instructions to setup your POS.