This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
what's the "OP" next to users' nyms represent?
Original poster. They started the thread basically
Btw, thank you so much for the settings. I know you didn't do this just for me since many people probably wanted it and will use it but I still feel like grateful for this feature 🙏🏻
I did add the replies or replies one just for you tho!
I almost got out of patience! Made a onchain transaction and waited almost an hour until a new block got found oof
Does anyone know the longest time until a block got found?
Alma mater asked me for a donation. Asked if they take bitcoin they said “unfortunately not”
Hope everyone crushes it today! So happy to have found this community twitter is cool don't get me wrong however signal is so much higher here nice to be able to login and see talking points and important subjects thanks Stacker News for real for real
Hi, just signed up here recently, and wanted to say that this community seems great and the website itself feels very light, fresh, and modern, perfect for lightning⚡
Great job everyone, particularly @k00b for maeking this thing.
What time is the AMA today?
2p ct!
I know you have a million things on your plate/list but an AMA tab or page might be a good addition at some point.
For sure! It'd be cool to be able to find all the AMAs in one place. I was thinking we maybe have a bookmark/list feature and I could just create a list where they could all be found and link to it in the footer or something ... Kind of manual but bookmarks/lists would be a nice feature everyone could use.
Great idea! A 2 for 1 feature! Create two new features with one new feature. Love it!
+1 vote here - I've found been increasingly yearning for a way to save a thread/link to read later...
1 sat = 1 sat... Looking at price is so pointless in my opinion , I believe what really matters at the end of the day is how many sats got out of 21 million coins...
Orange pilled a business in Bali, Indonesia today to start accepting sats. They were accepting USDT before 🤢. Now ONLY accepting sats 😎
Set them up on Breez POS and have them exporting funds to BlueWallet as a backup as Breez is still in Beta. Anyone know a stable Lightning Point of Sale wallet on iOS I can set them up on instead of Breez beta? I want to also get a couple more business in the area onboard lightning so trying to streamline my process. ⚡️
You could look into using LNBits. They have a self-hosting option seperate from their website that is included in the Umbrel & RunCitdal Bitcoin Node clients.
Once you setup your "Master" Wallet (Just needs you to choose a name) then you click on "Manage Extensions" -> "TPOS" & follow the instructions to setup your POS.
Has anyone seen a rebuttal to this piece about Microstrategies selling their BTC? I assume part of it is at least to retain some profit, but interested if others have looked into this more than just the FUD crowd.
The article is such drivel. The main argument that he's selling is that MacroStrategy is holding the Bitcoin. And they claim that MacroStrategy somehow doesn't have to report its activity, which isn't true.
What's the sentiment on posting memes here? I get the sense that they wouldn't be very welcome as OPs, but in replies it's probably acceptable?
Don't let your memes be dreams!