I see a lot of jobs on here posting jobs for like 1-10sats per minute.
If you do the math it turns out to be well under $1 per hour
Are these jobs serious or just to get a new kind if job board started?
I think the jobs are real and serious but they are still from spiritual supporters of the SN project.
Imagine you would start a café. Of course your first customers are your fiancé and your friends. That doesn't mean that it isn't serous because the trajectory from friends to friends of friends to your wider social bubble to the general public is a spectrum. That's how all businesses get started.
That rate of sats/min is what the employer is paying to have their listing show on the ~jobs board. It's like an auction. The higher the bid the higher the rank in the list.
It has nothing to do with the salary of the job.
I’ll read this post aloud by myself for 2 sats per letter
Lol I guess it's priced on the idea you'll hodl, but in all seriousness, its the market at work, if no one takes them on, you have to keep raising the price until it's worth someones time.
Yeah, I made a website pricing short music tracks for 200 sats. I guess the time it took to make the track might have been in the 1-3 sat/hour range when I think about it! But its more of a hobby than a "job"
Each job poster can select how much they pay per minute. If they pay more, the posting will be ranked higher. So as soon as the list reaches 21 postings, then the market begins to tell us how much is it actually worth ;)
I'm still looking for possible jobs.
I mean if its a great project/idea based on bitcoin its not really about the money
Are these jobs serious
Are more serious than you.
I'll pay you 2 sats to GFY
You don't even have those 2 sats, because you do not consider bitcoin jobs as serious... so nobody will pay you in sats. Go back to your fiat job.