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Unpopular opinion: Stop with the circle-jerks
We collaborate in the act of circle-jerking when we come on here, and on nostr and other bitcoin-centric watering holes to preach to the already converted.
Circle Jerk" is a pejorative slang term referring to a positive feedback loop which occurs when an idea, belief or meme that is already customary within an online community becomes re-iterated and rewarded in a perpetual cycle, giving rise to redundancy, clichés and karma whoring. This phenomenon is typically observed in communities consisting of self-contained forums devoted to specific interests, beliefs or subcultures. Circle-jerk is a pompous, self-congratulatory discussion where little to no progress is made.
What could we do instead to spread bitcoin awareness?
  • get back on twitter.com
  • get back on Hacker News
  • get back on our corporate and social media spaces
  • plaster our physical watering holes with ethical places to buy and own bitcoin
  • educate anyone willing to listen to why bitcoin matters, and provide good resources on where to learn more.
tldr: Go where the people are at and let them know about bitcoin and how to learn more, and eventually acquire bitcoin
Wait, you people are circlejerking each other?? I'm sitting here jerking all alone
Ask around, perhaps someone will lend you a hand.
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Hahahaha... nice one!
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You couldn't pay me to use Twitter. Everyone on there has made up their mind regarding bitcoin anyway. It's not a place for discussion, it's a place for influencers to preach to their audience and for plebs to scream at each other.
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I think we all had our preacher/evangelist phase and the ROI isn't worth it, in fact it often puts people off, the journey of self-discovery is important too. Its why I stopped preaching and channeled my time into a blog, if people want to read it cool, if not cool
I don't really promote the blog, most of the traffic comes from organic search and we've had 206k views since i launched it in the bear market, lol keen to see how it performs in the bull
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Lol no for sure it can be cleaned up, we legit just slapped the site together, besides its not like I'm making any real money from it to justify worrying about design, in fact i'm in the hole on it so honest answer, I won't bother
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LOL x10 not making money and then I can send some of it to a designer, to make it look nice.
Could totally just turn the site into a referral link spam site with shitcoins and make bank, but it just isn't worth it, call me a sucker
Another suggestion is having the donate button more prominently shown on the page, I had to ctrl-f to find it lol.
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The truth to me... is that you shouldn't try to teach Bitcoin directly to anyone.
If you can show them how you think critically about things, and share some Bitcoin adjacent things... then you might have planted a seed.
Teaching Bitcoin to people and ORANGE PILLING rarely works.
Yes. Show them you think deeply about certain subjects, show that you know things about economics, privacy etc. that most people don't. It may spike their curiosity about where that knowledge comes from. They will see you as someone knowledgeable, they will want to know your opinion.
Instead of knocking on their door and trying to preach like a Jehovah's witness, show you know stuff and they will come knocking on yours. And stay away from anything too 'conspiracist'. The conspiracy theories relating to money, government, CBDCs etc. may be true, but people are pattern recognizers, they have their biases and that's understandable - it's a time-saving heuristic, a shortcut that works 99% of the time and we're in the unfortunate 1% where it doesn't. If we continue to sound like wackos they will continue to ignore us. We can say the same things while sounding like the mainstream media (in terms of form, not content) normies are under the spell off.
I think you can make an even stronger statement: you can make all the legit, well-reasoned, factually consistent statements about why btc is great and important, and not be a complete, head-up-your-own-ass aggressive douchebag about it. You really can. The degree to which people do this in the coming years will correlate directly with how long it takes btc to take off on the next leg of its journey.
If you are an unrepetant asshole btc bagholder, think about it from a place of self-interest, if nothing else. All the other unrepetant assholes are already on board.
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Absolutely. Many times we're just preaching to the converted here and in Nostr.
On the other hand it's hard trying to make people understand and many times you feel it's wasted time (insert metronome meme bitcoin evangelist - f** em)
i mean, you're kind of just encouraging people to circle jerk about bitcoin in public, for the benefit of others.
which, if we're sticking with your communal masturbation metaphor, makes it weirder. in my opinion
Hey man, don't kink shame 😉
I think you misunderstand SN. What you are describing is a type of person. Plenty here ask questions, help others, and teach people in other venues.
The usual suspects peanut gallery
"tell people about bitcoin"
lolololol -- I've got better things to do with my life most of the time!
tools > talk
Nope. I was never using twatter and hacker news. I used for a brief time reddit, before the blocksize war, but I realized that is a manipulated social media platform and gave up. Reddit is just a shithole now.
I think we pass that phase when as bitcoiners we have to hunt nocoiners and educate them, wherever they are. We are not in the phase when THEY have to come to us and BEG to teach them about Bitcoin.
I WAS LITERALLY BEGGING THEM TO LEARN FOR YEARS and they didn't listen to me. For the last 3 years I wrote several guides about Bitcoin and they still ignore, don't want to read. FUCK THEM! MORE SATS FOR ME, from now on. Adoption will happen even without idiots. Bitcoin is a natural selection, only the brave, intelligent and open minded people will use it. All the rest they do not deserve it.
So no, I will not go to those shitholes social media platforms. If they want to learn, they could come to me... and I will make my own selection. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/for-who-is-writing-guides-darthcoin
But I like my cult!
There's definitely more room for mainstream bitcoiners to do that. The next bull market will mint some new ones
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