Nope. I was never using twatter and hacker news. I used for a brief time reddit, before the blocksize war, but I realized that is a manipulated social media platform and gave up. Reddit is just a shithole now.
I think we pass that phase when as bitcoiners we have to hunt nocoiners and educate them, wherever they are. We are not in the phase when THEY have to come to us and BEG to teach them about Bitcoin.
I WAS LITERALLY BEGGING THEM TO LEARN FOR YEARS and they didn't listen to me. For the last 3 years I wrote several guides about Bitcoin and they still ignore, don't want to read. FUCK THEM! MORE SATS FOR ME, from now on. Adoption will happen even without idiots. Bitcoin is a natural selection, only the brave, intelligent and open minded people will use it. All the rest they do not deserve it.
So no, I will not go to those shitholes social media platforms. If they want to learn, they could come to me... and I will make my own selection.