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The speaker describes how gamers are, as he describes, "Endorphin dependent and serotonin avoidant" His advice to gamers is to sit with their negative thoughts instead of reaching for a video game when they're feeling things like depression, anxiety, regret about procrastinating etc etc. To feel the negative emotions, because learning experiences are formed around negative emotions.
Its very obvious to me how this can be applied more broadly. Its not just video games, its social media too, but even broader than that, its anything that fixes something but does not allow for the negative emotions of that thing to settle within a person for the length of time it needs to in order for that person to form a learning experience.
You've seen this applied to the addiction with the money printer of course as I expect my readers to be Bitcoiners lol.
We can talk about other aspects of this video too if you'd like. There's a lot of disfunction in the world to the point that I feel psychiatrists need to be paid to teach a class to high schoolers on how to deal with basic life stuff, because they're being raised by parents who don't know how to deal with basic life stuff either. Maybe that has always been the case.
Yes, is true. I experience it myself years ago, when I was younger and gamer too. Playing a lot of WoW for few years. It creates addiction and suffering. That's why my eyes now are weak and can't concentrate too much in front of a screen.
So 10 years ago I decided to move out from a big city to a more rural place, where I can go out in nature more often. SMART DECISION! I regret I didn't do it earlier.
And now I move even further! I am building my own homesteading place deep into the mountains, far from "civilization" and digital temptations. When I work on my citadel I feel that I am getting healed and younger (I am 50+ yrs old).
Digital infestation is a real disease of 21th century.
do you work on this alone?
Yes, is my personal experience and wanted to be like that, just with a pick and a shovel... All by my hands. Soon I will post an article about the whole experience and prooject.
Sneak preview of a timelapse...
@ekzyis do you see correctly the gif? I think is playing only the first 10 frames. The whole file is here, around 22MB https://postimg.cc/qh7M5Lxq
Oh, yes, it's cut off on SN. Our GIF image proxying really sucks.
I'll mention this in the ticket
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no other help
Ah, I see! Thanks
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internet fasting fixes this
There's a lot of disfunction in the world to the point that I feel psychiatrists need to be paid to teach a class to high schoolers on how to deal with basic life stuff, because they're being raised by parents who don't know how to deal with basic life stuff either. Maybe that has always been the case.
Somehow, this reminded me of this quote since we're just a bunch of animals on a flloating rock travelling at insane speeds through space (66,616 mph according to Wikipedia):
I swear to you, sirs, that excessive consciousness is a disease--a genuine, absolute disease.
-- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
For child. Game/eletronics must be a reward moment on afternoon, AFTER he/she made all his/her stuffs (study, played, sports, etc.).
30 min during the week. 1-2 maximum during weekend. That's it. IMO
Too much electronics can affect IQ development
In another video he mentions its important to teach your children restraint rather than control their lives for them. He mentions how kids who had hard rules and never learned their own lessons 50% of the time go to college and develop alcoholism, party, and eventually flunk out of college.
Raise an adult. Don't stunt the growth of your child to develop into a very large child.
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