Looking to have some input in finding valid alternatives to Google services, Youtube is one of the first polatform I'd like to replace. there's any valid alterative that can compare profits? How do you strategize around moving the community form YT to the new one?
I've found this option but I'd like more suggestions:
PeerTube.tv: enable a great V4V approach and apparently there is no advertisement system built in to the software like with Youtube. But you can... Find a sponsor yourself and embed their pitch into your content. This guy talk about a plugin with the Hive network? Maybe is possible to integrate Bitcoin somehow in PeerTube with a similar plugin?
Patreon.com works, but only fiat. I might find an audience willing to donate directly by bitcoin or sats and cut out the middleman.
I also heard about Odysee.com, joinPeertube.org and BitChute.com,
Another great one to keep staking sats is fountain.fm but does not allow video yet
Just wondering if you have any other suggestion or alternative from personal experience.
From the other side, any other podcast management and music and entertainment management please mention below
Thank you