With so many online radio options nowadays I wonder if people still listen to the convetional radio stations by choice. Other than @fountainfm, what do plebs prefer listening to?
Do you need a twitch acc to use this? Also, is this a listen to earn platform? Just curious.. thanks for sharing 👍
I love listening to baseball on an AM radio. Old school.
Often listening to FM radio in a car.
430MHz-440MHz, used for amateur radio.
All bitcoiners should have a play with amateur radio. Sovereign communications (although kyc'ed and regulated to hell). It's cool to learn and fits the decentralized ethos.
Sometimes also listening to the waves used in airports and boats.
Lol, the other day I forgot to bring my charger and had to listen to local broadcast radio and I liteally wanted to drive into oncoming traffic to make it stop, its so mindnumbingly stupid, the conversations, the fake news, the ads, and all those annoying sound bites gosh, wtf? i would rather listen to nothing than the radio
Yep, especially in the car... still a big thing. I dare to say radio stations are in better shape than TV...
The next opensource phone/mp4 podcast player needs FM radio
That would be nice
No, but podcasts are similar to some of the long form radio I used to listen to
Good morning. Yes, I do. The station is CKUA and it is available for all to listen to at https://listen.streamon.fm/ckua ..
It is donor driven and commercial free. Music programs for all tastes including jazz, world, country, blues, rock, an so on.
Highlights include:
Natch'l Blues, on Saturday afternoons, which is a blues program that has been running since 1969.
Classic Examples, weekdays from 8-10PM, which covers medieval, Renaissance and baroque music.
And my favorite, The Road Home, on Sunday evenings, which broadcasts poetry, songs, and reflections on his world of dogs, horses, birds and other subjects.
I don't usually but there is something nostalgic/romantic about not having much of a specific choice about what you're listening to. I think we tend to make preference reinforcing choices when we might be fuller people when we're subjected to variety.
I broke the touchscreen of the stereo in my old Element and got stuck on FM lol luckilyfor me on a classic rock station.. before that I would just listen everything I wanted from my phone. I haven't listed to the radio in so long, probably at least 5-7 years and you're right, I did feel that sentiment when i started listening to it... all this made me wonder if people is still into it..
Every now and then I am curious what the normies are listening to, so I scan through the FM stations and after a few minutes decide the only safe course of action is to take off and nuke them all from orbit.
I love listening to a football game on a Saturday afternoon on AM radio while getting some work done around the house.
Most my local radio stations just play the same top 40 and a mix of classics and their hosts have the personality equivalent of mayo. But one stays true to its type of music and the hosts are really involved in the local music festivals and what not. It's my go too when I'm out of podcasts.
Very rarely do I listen to actual radio. I grew up on AM radio but since the early 2000s I've been a podcast listener. The sheer number of commercials coupled with the very low intellectual level of the content are primary reason I do not listen to radio.
Every so often I will turn on the radio when in the car just to hear what they are saying. Mostly curiosity. In my area I've found that the quality of radio people has drastically decreased. Not only are they on a lower intellectual level, their skill as speakers are inferior to what I grew up with. Radio is dying. AM radio is really dying. It will take a while like it has with news papers but it is happening.
Now, if we are talking about amateur radio, that's a different story.
just the fountain app.. cant stand the adds on radio
That's exactly why I quit listening to conventional radio stations, can't stand commercials either
Oh this is a cool site, thanks for sharing!
I used to always listen to AM radio on the morning drive to work. I still would but have too many podcasts to get through that I no longer can afford the time to do that. It is sad that cars are doing way with AM.