pull down to refresh

This is a lot of small stuff but some of it is pretty fun.
  • Hide wallet balance (via @ekzyis)
    • you can now hide your wallet balance in settings, replacing it with ***** until hovered over (or your finger drags over it on mobile)
  • Add block height to price carousel (via @weareallsatoshi)
  • Notifications for forwarded stackers (via @weareallsatoshi)
    • you're now auto-subscribed to threads you are forwarded sats from (can be disabled by unsubscribing on post)
    • when you receive sats from them (can be disabled in settings)
  • Visual Character counter for post titles, poll options (via @weareallsatoshi)
  • Search bar to top of page (via @rleed)
  • New visitor welcome banner (via @rleed)
  • Obey rotation prevention in PWA on mobile (via @ekzyis)
  • Fix replying to wrong comment in deep comment threads (via @ekzyis)
... and a variety of smaller bug fixes. You might need to refresh to see these changes. We are still having some weird cache issue on deployments.
NGL I needed this today, after being publicly shamed for being the only person to lose in week 1 of the nfl survivor pool lol
SN is a mood-lifter! Love you guys!
πŸ˜† haha
Thank you specially for the rotation prevention thing :)
Is there a way to update the PWA? Or just uninstall and reinstall?
I don't know if the bug in brave not showing the lightning rays animation is fixed because I use chrome now for the PWA, which also fixes the dark splash screen, while in brave it was yellow splash screen.
Thank you specially for the rotation prevention thing :)
I was wondering if I was the only one! haha
Is there a way to update the PWA? Or just uninstall and reinstall?
I think to read the manifest again (which is required to fix this bug), I think you need to reinstall. But not sure. But it's easy enough imo :)
I don't know if the bug in brave not showing the lightning rays animation is fixed
I get lightning strikes when zapping in the Brave PWA πŸ€” Did you maybe disable it accidentally in the footer on Brave?
But the Brave PWA has other issues like deep linking. I don't get asked if I want to open it in the SN PWA from Brave if I click on stacker news links in Telegram for example.
But the "PWA" also has a Brave icon on it on my home screen as if it's just a bookmark which opens the site in full screen whereas the Chrome PWA does not. Maybe Google is doing some shady stuff do not let it support all Chrome PWA features? Even though Brave is based on Chromium?
Just wild speculation, haha
Excellent smatterings guys
I need that last one (replying to wrong comment). Thanks @ekzyis
@k00b found the bug, I just wrote the code :)
Wow I love that block height! For me is more useful than price
Great work SN team!
Has the font changed on the price ticker?
Yeah I think it might be monospaced now. It was supposed to be before but must’ve stopped working at some point
Wallet balance font looks to be different, too? Or maybe I’m delusional
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Small things make a big difference! Thank you!
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need to adapt schedule for better productivity πŸš€
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