Near my partner's village, environmentalists illegally re-introduced wolves back into the ecosystem and they're now spreading all across the mountains. We know a farmer there who had half his flock of sheep eaten.
If that’s where I think didn’t a spokesperson for the release say something about re-educating farmers.? Madness
I don't speak the language very well, but my understanding was that the wolves were released into the wild without warning. I'll check later though.
Shit happens when people try to micromanage complex systems. That's why socialism will never work.
My definition of a socialist; ‘someone who has f**k all and wants to give it to everybody else’ It’s a short step from telling people what they should do, to what they should think, to what you are required to do and think… and then we are all wearing the government mandated dungarees, queuing up for bread and grateful for a few extra kopecks when we spy on our neighbours.