ᕦ(ò_óˇ) Day 7 of exercising everyday before the saloon opens
As mentioned yesterday, I took the train to some place I haven't been yet so I can walk back 1-2 hours.
However, I wanted to take my chances and didn't get out at a stop which was close to how far out I want to be but still a little too close.
The next stop however took longer than I expected - I didn't want to look at the map to make it more adventurous - so I was now 14km away from home which apparently should take me 3 hours. But this is fine! I'll just walk as long as I can. If I really can't do the whole walk, I'll just take the train again :)
I've gotten a bit late since I still have 8.8km to walk even though it's been 2 hours already since I got off the train. Maybe writing this already took me 20min+ (my phone is slow).
Another reason may be this: While walking, I encountered company premises for a gravel pit. There was a sign earlier but it didn't say that this will be a dead end. I didn't want to turn around and walk all the way back so I thought I just enter and look for another exit.
However, it only went deeper and deeper so I needed to find another way out. I looked at the bushes and found the railway I wanted to follow. There was a track I could continue on on the other side. So when I found a good spot through the bushes with thorns and the slope down to the railway, I took my chances again and crossed the railway. To not take too many chances, I listened for trains coming before taking the leap.
The Beginning of the Journey
So close and yet so far. I had to take another way to the other side. The slope was too steep here.
Change of landscape
Where I am writing this from
Well done. Get that dose of nature and your exercise!
everything is flat there?
Around here, pretty much.
The Schwarzwald (Black Forest) has some mountains but that's more to the south.