Good for you! But you use dollars, which makes you a fiat maxi ;)
To stack sats you need to have money left after your bills have been paid. Glad to hear you are able to do that. When it goes up your stacking will be rewarded. But some people live paycheck to paycheck and they won't; they're stuck in the slavery cycle.
I earn in bitcoin. I spend in bitcoin. I hold in bitcoin. I do not have anymore fiat and bank accounts.
If you want to be like me, you can IF YOU REALLY WANT IT. Otherwise... HFSP.
My reply was my journey to bitcoin only living I live 100% off of lighting
As for paycheck to paycheck there is always a way to save example here in ES people drink a lot of soda, well water is healthier and you can save in sats there really is no excuse. My people have a spending problem not a saving problem.
To live on the bitcoin standard like @darthcoin and I you need to be way more responsible with your finances. it is achievable even for a Salvadorian, I am living proof. Bankless and proud
Plz stop feeding Fiat