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Tip of the day!

ONLY for Saloon shitposters
Recently SN team implemented LNURL LUD-12 (add comments into a payment). Don't forget to drop some sats to them for this amazing work. What does it means? This is a very important LNURL feature that you can use it:
  • you can send DM to the receiver, just with 1 sat
  • you can attach a specific message with a payment. Let's say you want to donate to somebody 21000 sats and send a nice message to it. A nice way to send greetings.
  • remember that these messages also could be read by SN admins, SN is still a custodial service, so do not abuse their work.
How to do it? Simple:
  • If you are not using SN, go to any SN user profile, click on his yellow button with the LN address and will popup a QR code. Scan that QR with a LN wallet that support to attach a message to a payment. Add the amount and the comment and done. The receiver will see a nice message. You can use also the LN address directly if your wallet support it.
  • If you are using SN account, just go to your SN wallet and type the LN address of the SN user or any external LN address, select LN address tab and add the min 1 sat amount and also the comment / message (is the last field).
@k00b - maybe could add a simple link to this modal payment screen directly into each SN user profile? Like saying "send a DM here".
^ @Natalia I figured it out on my own Lol.
@darthcoin spoiled the exploring fun.!!
I would add one more detail: you can even hit repeat payment, then easily send different msg to the same receiver; real cool.
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otherwise... "unexpected visitors" will be at your door.
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Seems to work for me: https://streamable.com/896c5o
hmmm interesting why took so long? Is sending out and back to SN node? Maybe will be better is will strap that part and first checking if is existing SN account and not making the whole LN payment route ?
just my 2 sats thinking...
I think the delay is more related to us polling LND every 5 seconds instead of subscribing to changes
Maybe will be better is will strap that part and first checking if is existing SN account and not making the whole LN payment route ?
Could do but that makes it unnecessary complex if that's not the reason for the delay. Programmers don't like exceptions.
relevant lines of code:
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26 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 27 Sep 2023
where are you pasting it into the wallet? comments only work for LN addresses according to @WeAreAllSatoshi (I didn't read the spec yet)
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you didn't finish your training my young padawan...
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Lightning address option requires a lightning address eg nemo@stacker.news, not a LNURL. It sounds like you used a LNURL in the lightning address field?