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This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Found this nice little 3 year old flashback on /r/investing from when BTC crashed to $3,700 from $20k a year prior:
I have an MVP of client to block storage uploading working ... lots of work left to do but that's part 1.
Just noticed that SN is showing the bitcoin price as sats per dollar I'm loving it... The sats standard is the future...
might just be me but SN is the first place I check when I need to do quick sats/dollar math
Very exciting week this week I take another step into the Bitcoin Nether slowly transitioning out of the fiat worlds model of the standard 9-5 M-F none the less I'm excited to be able to attend more bitcoin events and able to be around bitcoiners more often
@k00b strange thing happen. If I login to SN with lnurl using my own node, I get different account. If I login by copying the lnurl into Thunderhub, I get the usual account. If I login by copying the lnurl into Zeus (same node), I get another account (new one). I tried scanning with Zeus the QR code and also after hardly trying to scan it, it authorize it but is a new account.
They might all be deriving the auth keypair differently.
Zeus gives you different accounts depending on whether it was a scan or a copy and paste?
Zeus gives me same new account. Thunderhub gives me always same account (this one). Is the same node that signs.
It's not your node, but the software (ThunderHub, Zeus, etc) that derives the keypair from your node key. Zeus and ThunderHub probably implement lnurl-auth differently. They shouldn't but it sounds like they do.
Indeed, Evan confirm it. TH is using other signing endpoint.
This is happening a lot. Apparently Alby and lndhub have similar issues.
Do you think I should raise the question to Zeus guys or is normal behavior this?
I would raise to Zeus. It's not normal behavior
going to UT today to hang up some flyers for btc++
๐Ÿ—น Search ban ? Ghost ban ? Reply Deboosting
Happened to notice the search ban starting yesterday after trying to find a Tweet that was on the SN front page. The Tweet exists, it just doesn't appear when searching Twitter for either the URL or for a phrase from the Tweet.
Is there no way to know why, and nothing that can be done?
I don't know about this specific shadow ban - but I know that Twitter automatically flags a lot of things as bots/misleading etc. E.g. Michael Bloomberg is one of the fastest and reliable source for flash news. But Twitter flagged him for shadow search ban - probably because of the all caps.
Rumors from my stock market friends bubble say that it is because Twitter is secretly preparing to launch a search engine that integrates web crawling, topic-hashtag pages and famous people profiles for a year now. Idk if there is any truth to this.
guys please you are too generous
50รท of SN: HurrGurr, people don't circulate sats enough, the daily yield doesn't incentivize generosity HurrrrrGurrrr.
Other 50รท of SN: ArrrGarrr ๐Ÿ™ so thankful ๐Ÿ™ people way too generous ๐Ÿ™ ArrrGarrr
Before you ask: yes, everyone on reddit is a bot except you SN is a pidgeon with a smartphone except you
Alien OG is pretty damn good.
Where do you have your buy orders on BTC?
About tree fiddy.
Trying to time the bottom are we?
I'm using LUNO but it's only because of my location im pretty limited in getting my local currency into bitcoin