A death throes bonfire, Fed kicks another log on, the sparks fly upward…
Very timely. I get hypnotized watching the US 10 year treasury yield.
Hi, 5% - the yield a good greek beer provides without any counterparty risk (except Your hospital shuts down when You need a liver transplantation)
I wonder if there's a correlation between 10 year yield and average beer's alcohol content.
Clearly correlated! After a critical amount of beer (works surprisingly well with cheap wine too) You will discover the correlation between the grade of alc and the underperformance of Your portfolio.
What do you think of the 4.62% yield?
I watched a video of a wall street trader who is convinced the fed intervened last week to prop it up with major bond buying. If true, that little boost didn't last long.
I won't put that past them. They tend to prop up the numbers to give the illusion of everything is hunky dory.