Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Most of the image issues should be fixed now. I can confirm they're fixed in Safari both on desktop and mobile. Also firefox on Mac.
great, I will do more tests:)
Rainy but had a great day: hamam, hot tea, good food, and a book, I like simple days like these.

And one more photo testing of today: Seljuk architecture - there is some undescribable beauty in it, isn't it? This is the level I am expecting Bitcoiners would build.! 🫑
  1. It seems it's not showing photo preview anymore
wow, fixed ⚑️
2. It took a few seconds to show the image after being posted
wow, almost no delay now ⚑️⚑️
3. The photo quality is so much nicer.!
  1. Click on a image - it's showing on the left side of my screen, quite strange.
guess this left? @ekzyis
  1. Click on a image - it's showing on the left side of my screen, quite strange.
guess this left? @ekzyis
Can you share a screenshot and browser + version perhaps? I did not encounter this yet.
Firefox ( it is up to date )
and GIF is showing in the centre β˜‘οΈ
Thanks, was able to reproduce!
but yours is a lot to the left πŸ€”
edit: Ah, you zoomed in in your browser. That's when I get this crazy left shift, too.
(responding so late because I updated my system before installing firefox and then I got distracted)
Yeah, I didn't zoom anything, and damn I don't have Brave anymore to test it 🀣
Okay now it's a lot to the left even without zoom, lol:
just tested it in Tor and Librewolf, the same as Firefox πŸ‘€
check this, even more left here: #272132
But I am guessing maybe it has something to do with the photo itself, I opened a few to test: some are right in the middle, and some are not. sorry for bringing up this problem, more late-night fun for you πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
121 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 2 Oct 2023
But I am guessing maybe it has something to do with the photo itself, I opened a few to test: some are right in the middle, and some are not.
Yeah, not sure why this is happening only for a few images but I found a fix
sorry for bringing up this problem, more late-night fun for you πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
Nah, it's okay, bug solving is actually quite fun sometimes
Like playing detective πŸ•΅οΈ
This is maybe a stupid question but for folks using GrapheneOS to avoid the likes of Apple and Google, what do they use for cellular service? It would seem to me that you’re still eligible to lose some privacy by using a cellular provider?
Recovering from the weekend with my kids. Amazing race, Lego land, peppa Pog world, swimming, Bass Pro shop…
Lol, jumping in muddy puddles…?
Yes on carpet and projected on the screen through the characters. 3 hours later was pulling my boys out of there before we burned up too much Fiat.
Peppa Pig world and Legoland…..!?!?
β€˜Nurse, prep the patient for surgery… his wallet has been blown clean open! We must seal it NOW!’
Both in one day. Yikes….
Lol I’m listening to the latest SNL and now I know where my mysterious invoice came from, Thank you @car!
πŸ’« great to hear the stackers are zapping their screens
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ᕦ(Γ²_Γ³Λ‡) Day 17 of exercising everyday before the saloon opens.
Went to the calisthenics park.
Did some less inclined push-ups this time. But could only do all 10 once. Then I was only able to do 5 and had to do the remaining as usual. But I noticed that it's bringing me much closer to my limit without being too hard which is good.
I also replaced frog squats with jumps by only trying to jump as far as I can. Not sure how this exercise is called but I used to do this when I did some HIIT workouts regularly.
I noticed that my core is still a bit sore. So I skipped knee raises again. Also, I did some planking after the supermans at the end and I really struggled during the last 45 seconds (did 2x45s + 2x15s breaks before). My whole body was shaking, lol
I notice how basically every exercise I do requires my core.
Yeah. No engaged core & weak exercise benefit I’m afraid… Great effort though. Careful on the jumps when you are landing - no slipping. Try alternating far with jumping high and super soft landing.
119 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 2 Oct 2023
Yeah. No engaged core & weak exercise benefit I’m afraid…
Great effort though.
thanks :)
Careful on the jumps when you are landing - no slipping. Try alternating far with jumping high and super soft landing.
yeah, I may slipped a little bit sometimes, haha
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Can I be your gym buddy Lol.
I don't think I am a good gym buddy, I like to concentrate on myself :)
But bouldering together can be fun!
I was just making a silly joke. I'm glad you're still going strong.
I was just making a silly joke.
I know but I still wanted to give an honest answer, lol
Thank you for your honesty πŸ˜‰
Hey gang, Monday is here, hope your weekend was a phenomenal one, time to bring our A game for this new month, let's see what October will bring to us, I'm fully recharged and the cold is practically gone, so I'm all hyped up and ready for this, let's do this. I wish you an amazing Monday full of success and profit, remember that you're important and you matter, you're awesome and never forget that, be well and stay frosty my friend.
Wishing you an amazing Monday and a prosperous October. Stay frosty cowboy 🀠
Day 170 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
BTC went on a tear, I was wondering if the streak was going to end at 169
🫑 started to worry.
Trying to strike that delicate balance between code that covers a wide variety of edge cases, and code that is simple and easy to validate.
Welcome __@_'-' We missed you!
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It's been a pretty good day for the price, so who knows!
Started a 21-day challenge in which I aimed to learn something new about Bitcoin or interact with its ecosystem every day. I would also record my progress on Stacker News.
Day 8 - I love Stacker News because it gives me real-life accounts of how people are living the Bitcoin Standard. So I came across the Xapo debit card here and went to find out more about it. It seems that even though I’m from Singapore, I can apply for it. Very tempted to do so one of these days!
Somebody check on the snail.
__@_'-' has arrived!
Snail seems to be late today.
Let's see... Hang out in the saloon for a while or... Scoop cat shit. Hmm
Get gathering Gary’s… we can wait
Now I'm confused. Can a cat produce a Gary? Can a homeless San Francisco resident produce a Gary? I just assumed it was limited to canines?
Now I’m confused. What’s a homeless resident? Doesn’t the fact you are homeless suggest you are not a resident in a house? And isn’t one of the advantages of being homeless that you can literally live anywhere… so why hang around San Fran?
A Gary is any unaccountable / unexplained / unidentified mound.
Since everyone has a β€˜Gary Glitter’ it could be anyone’s.
I think those people look at the whole city as their home. I am happy to hear the expansive definition of a Gary. I hope to help spread usage throughout the Northeast of the United States. Haven't thought about Mr Glitter for a while.
Spread the Gary far and wide…. Lol And please don’t think about him - he’s back in prison apparently…
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You're right. Big cat day. Not just my own. I actually have to drive to scoop someone else's too. The Golden Years of retirement.
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do you know what is the new change today?
wonderful pic
Feedbacks from the second test @k00b @ekzyis
  1. It seems it's not showing photo preview anymore
  2. It took a few seconds to show the image after being posted
  3. The photo quality is so much nicer.!
  4. Click on a image - it's showing on the left side of my screen, quite strange.
When you click on a image now, it'll go fullscreen rather than resizing in place
Click on a image - it's showing on the left side of my screen, quite strange.
Oh, if you're on iOS, I guess this is what @k00b meant here
no, on laptop πŸ‘€
No that’s not what I was talking about. This is another issue
It seems its not showing photo preview anymore
what do you mean with preview?
It took few seconds to show the imiage after being posted
do you have click to load original image enabled in your privacy settings?
if not, did it show the raw link first?
when you load a page, the client tries to detect which links are images. it looks at the URL and if it ends with an image extension, we assume it's an image. if not, we just try to load it as an image in the background. it shows the raw link during this time. i notice that myself sometimes.
so if a link was detected as an image, it tries to use the processed images first. if we didn't process them yet (we do that in the background now since it used to slow down posting and commenting), we fallback to the original image. we also fallback to the original image on error - again, assuming you don't have click to load original image enabled.
if you do, then we always show an image containing the text "processing ..." (if it's still processing) or "click to load" (if there was an error with the processed images) first. you can click both images to load the original image.
regarding the loading, we don't have a "loading" image or anything else to show that it's loading. i tried to do something like that but that was another whole story on top of fixing the processing and fullscreen, lol
so i left that out for the next iteration :)
what do you mean with preview?
like before posting anything, you have the preview option there
click to load original image
oops, I just unchecked it, I will do a third test tonight.!
like before posting anything, you have the preview option there
aah, I see, can confirm, will fix
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someone is paying attention.!
i dont like this bullmarket. i dont know why. i dont know what it is :) maybe i need therapy. Does anyone know who to call if you dont like the bitcoin bullmarket or pump etc?
Do you perhaps mean bear market?
How about ignoring all the noise, like I don't even know the BTC price today and do I need to know? Certainly no.
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gm freaks ✌
GM freaky cowboy ✌
πŸ™Œ have a great day
lost my hat. im no cowboy lol
Gold just went into negative for the year. But lets see who gets the last laugh.
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I'm confused. What does that mean?
You got gold??
ive actually sold most this year because i believed the fed was going to squeeze. i did the same with bitcoin and so far, i kinda regret it. bitcoin is flexing. but lets see who gets the last laugh.
Well... let's see
I'm going where those chilly winds don't blow.
GM, Monday!
But I don't feel like doing anything today, so I'm going to do a hamam and think.
Good morning. Let's have a beer!
gm not doing anything is fiat mind set but i am guilty myself
Why? I quite enjoy doing nothing, that's how my mind could get into creative mode.
Good morning!
GM = go monkey, right @nemo
What gives, man?
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I'm addicted to really old, outdated expressions that nobody says anymore.
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I catch your drift
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I like the cut of your jib.
A death throes bonfire, Fed kicks another log on, the sparks fly upward…
Very timely. I get hypnotized watching the US 10 year treasury yield.
Hi, 5% - the yield a good greek beer provides without any counterparty risk (except Your hospital shuts down when You need a liver transplantation)
I wonder if there's a correlation between 10 year yield and average beer's alcohol content.
Clearly correlated! After a critical amount of beer (works surprisingly well with cheap wine too) You will discover the correlation between the grade of alc and the underperformance of Your portfolio.
What do you think of the 4.62% yield?
I watched a video of a wall street trader who is convinced the fed intervened last week to prop it up with major bond buying. If true, that little boost didn't last long.
I won't put that past them. They tend to prop up the numbers to give the illusion of everything is hunky dory.
You might be up there a while…. Slow day today!
I'm sure it won't be as slow as yesterday. Fingers crossed.
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as in nixbitcoin node?
Oh yeah. I love it now. You should have seen this boomer try to figure it out for the first 3 months. I was alone on a 6 month business trip so I could scream and curse without offending anyone.
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I'm not doing anything crazy. Once I figured out home manager I just mess around there. If I screw up I start over.
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Care to share what's causing the excitement?