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In order to have some law and order and governance there needs to be a body handling it.
Damn, these statists are fucking everywhere...
This makes no sense, what do you want? A place where there is no rule of law and where anyone can do as they please and thus people who have more power rule over other's as they please? This would bring us in a more fucked up place. Your dreamy little anarcho-capital state might not be that peaceful of a place as you might think. Bitcoin won't change the fact that people are greedy and that the inate human tendency to never be satisfied with things and desires will push them to unprecedented levels of perverse actions. You have just made the money deflationary but there still will be retards and mentally ill and then there will be retards and mentally ill with 277 BTC at their disposal in your "citadel" - what then? Just assuming changing money's behaviour from inflationary to deflationary is somehow going to make people more ethical is a very wrong trap.
You are mixing the state with the rule of law. It couldn't be more apparent than it is today that the state creates 'laws' that are bullshit. The 'civil tyrants' (oxymoron intended) don't even take their own rules seriously enough to follow them themselves.
The problem the bitcoinist is trying to solve with a fixed-supply currency is the ability of the tyrant to steal from everyone by eroding the value of its currency. The reason bitcoin needs to replace fiat is not because Grisham's law is incorrect but because the cost of fiat is too high. Government issued debt under fiat is a moral hazard, and the government is too corrupt and too uncontrollable to be given this power.
Just because the state has coopted the system of laws and been permitted to declare laws and enforce them doesn't mean you can't have law and justice without the state. The limitations on anarchy to allow for peace and prosperity are only in your mind.
Bitcoin does more than replace the currency, it replaces the role of government. It not only replaces money, it eliminates the need for security, for government courts, for government registrars, for government regulated central banks, and for many other industries that aren't directly run by the government. We aught'nt be trying to find a way for 'THEM' to fix problems for us, but for ways that problems can be solved by digital contracts and programmable money.
Explain what are "taxes"... (apart from theft) ?
It's a yearly subscription for living and enjoying all the social security, stability and other services on a piece of land controlled by a group of people with large weapons who usually abide by rules written down in a book. If someone doesn't obey the rules, there's high chance they might have to pay the consequence either by capital or life. The subscription fees, as it turns out, is being used by some top elites to sustain their own highly luxurious lavish lifestyles, instead of being used to improve the social security, stability and other services for the people on the land they live on.
Yes, so it is a theft currently - mostly; but it doesn't have to be.
It's a yearly subscription for living and enjoying all the social security,
LOL you fucking be kidding... They really brainwashed you totally. Please don't be a boot licker and dumb statist. That is way too low level of being human.
Watching, but I would prefer reading. Any recommendations? The guy in the video mentions The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose - worth reading?
Yes, the book is excellent.