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What services would you recommend to use when a service requires an sms code to be sent?
I've used sms4sats quite a bit, but noticing that a lot of the phone numbers are banned from Telegram (for example). Not sure if they rotate/update the available numbers they have, so I'd be curious to know more services like it. Simple and straight forward for dummies like me.
They use sms4sats behind the scenes 😅
Had the same problem with sms4sats and ended up using https://juicysms.com/ You cannot pay with LN but you can fund your account with Bitcoin.
Do you know of any that support LN?
nope. But you could use boltz or fixedfloat to pay with LN to the funding address of juicysms.
You can rent a totally private number with https://crypton.sh
They don't even require an email. BTC payments accepted.
Since there is direct message feature on Nostr, you can try that one.
How does sms4sats works
Pay 3000sats and get access to a phone number to receive one sms. If no sms is received, you don't pay.
I've had some very good experience with sms-man.com
They accept bitcoin via coinbase (fuck coinbase!)