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  • get a backpack with some warm clothes and energy bars, water, a hammock
  • find a quiet place into the woods far away from any "civilization" remains and sleep 1 night under the stars
  • try not to think to anything, just empty your mind. Do nothing
  • walk back home next day. Must walk, not drive. On that walk your mind will get clearer and you can focus on new things.
Good advice. Kind of Buddhist. I just don't want to turn into this guy.
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Very true, especially around these parts. I honestly love to walk. It really clears my head. Studying for the bar exam I once walked all night through the streets of Manhattan, dusk to dawn. Didn't get much studying done that night. I wouldn't try that now.
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It's true. I love being out in the woods, so I spend more time in those places, but sometimes I need the city. Maybe and After Hoursadventure?
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