Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Started a 21-day challenge in which I aimed to learn something new about Bitcoin or interact with its ecosystem every day. I would also record my progress on Stacker News.
Day 11 - Asked Bitcoiners how they feel about paying children sats to do household chores. Some shared that they distinguish essential chores from others that they would pay someone else to get done. Hence, while essential chores should be done by them to fulfill their obligations as members of one family, children can get sats if they help parents do their work. Getting sats will then be a great way for them to learn about the value of work exchanged for money. I really feel that the discussions with Stackers sharpened my thinking and defined my parenting philosophy more clearly.
@k00b am i unable to flag something after accidentally zapping it? Don't seem to be able to
I know. We need to fix that
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false positive
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your mission: learn to grow under neglect
another day at the fiat mines :)
Drinking a beer at Pub Key. It's Happy Hour in my world.
This is the 100th comment on Saloon. Can I pay a beer for you?
please send another pic if you can.It's impossible to scan this
It's paid. I can't. Next time we'll try before I start drinking so the camera doesn't shake.
yeah it's a bit blurry on the bottom side. LOL Bitcoin LN is not ready for these type of crossborder payments 😂😂😂
I sent another just as a test
shit can't get it scanned
I had too many beers to hold the camera steady
hold on, let me try with another app
I paid it. Maybe I'll have another later. (I shouldn't)
ah damn it. Then Bitcoin is dead if I can't pay a beer from 5000km away
It might confuse the bartender. I'll see.
I sense that almost nobody can be a "Darth's padawan" because nobody look deep into the Darth Vader character to understand the true Anakin that is inside...
People are usually look only to the crap disney show, but do not:
  • read the plethora of books about Star Wars universe
  • play Star Wars PC games
  • look at the Star Wars saga with a birdeye outside of disney propaganda... Many don't even watched all the 9 epiodes (!!!) and series to really understand the SW universe.
Guys, before talking about Darth, do your homeworks...
The Mandalorian series is one that can give you more clues.
Also the ObiWan series could give you more clues, after you watch the WHOLE 9 episodes of SW saga.
I know is not easy to watch all of this. But I am telling you, the story is going deeper than you think.
I didn't choose the name DarthCoin for nothing. It is for a specific reason.
play Star Wars PC games
confess: I never play any video games in my life 🥸
many gems are in the games... that you do not see in the books or movies But no worry, you do not have to play/buy them to find out. That is an optional part, for freaks.
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I always feel like they are for boys, and waste of time 🤣
Football and video games, some of the things I never understand why people like them so much.
Nope. I know many girls playing really hard the games. Including my own daughter. She's a real player. Do not underestimate girls in playing games. Are ruthless...
Yes, games in general are wasting time. Just take a small time to enjoy and have fun. Are just games in the end.
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I do not want "followers". I want only true Force fighters, for the freedom and Bitcoin. "Padawan" for me means, a true bitcoiner, that focus on freedom.
btw... many people today don't even know what is freedom...
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My time into this realm is limited. I have to pass over my knowledge before I have to go. I don't know when exactly they will take me, but will not take too long. My mission is almost over.
I have so much information that I cannot fathom, is really overwhelming me. Sometimes yes I could be erratic or not well understand because are too many things coming into my mind and I am trying to explain. I am sorry if sometimes I explain something very confusing or doesn't make sense. The 10 min window to edit what I post is quite short.
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Read again my post about NDE experience... They said that will let me more time into this realm, but that doesn't mean I could stay forever. Yes the gypsy woman told me I will live 120 years, but not WHERE.
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What a day!!! I am really tired, time to recharge. See you tomorrow :)

A question for all stackers, especially for OG stackers:

  • hash rate is going parabolic
  • price market is quite stable
What does this say to you OG bitcoiner?
Moon soon
it says stack more sats
@nemo why we can't reach anymore 300 comments on Saloon? It's your fault again!
quality over quantity?
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btw, meme contest rigged :)
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yeah, jk, i dont know the algo details but I get it
ebbs and flows. just how life goes
Has it reached 300 yet?
I can't get it even to 200....
What's the secret? Stream of shit consciousness posting
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You still have time to make it up.
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I want to see that 666th post non the saloon
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Good morning everyone!!! Well what do you know, Tuesday is here and boy it seems the week is getting some steam, time to catch up and give it our best, we've got this, remember that you're important and you matter, Monday was intense and this beautiful Tuesday seems it's going to be intense as well but no fret, just give it your shot and enjoy the ride, that is what is all about, learning the experience and enjoying while doing it, I wish you a phenomenal day and may you have lots of success and profit, be well and stay frosty my good friend!!
And to you! Whooop whoop
Thank you my friend!!! Let's do this!!
Well partners, hoping for a good week of Bitcoin progress and learning! Last soccer game of the season for coaching my boys tonight. 4-5 year olds!!!
so glad that football saturdays finished for my 5 and 8 year olds - chill time back :P
i've got a 3 day over35's masters football tournament this weekend - will be sooo REKT on Monday lol
Lol have fun!
Is there a spread for the degenerate gamblers to bet on?
Look up ‘100 kids vs 3 adults Japanese Soccer’ on YouTube. Hopefully make you smile.
Lol awesome! It was a crazy season for sure!
Today's the first time calling in sick to the new job. Woke up with a headache and a bit of a stomach ache. I think ate too much last night. My job requires extended discomfort, and the idea of working while already uncomfortable depresses me greatly. I do need to control my binge eating though. How's every else's week going to far?
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thanks. I'm drinking some tonic water and taking OTC pain meds. I'll be okay by lunch, probably. I was eating these flavored freezedried shiitake mushrooms and they're so good. but after dinner, i didn't need to eat another meal of mushrooms.
Long distance runner, what you standing there for? Get up, get out, get out of the door
554 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 10 Oct 2023
Cheers @nemo and your jumping cat loop
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Mornin freaks
Just finished a 5k, now its time for Replit, and a job interview before work.
Should be a pretty busy day
A 15-minuter? Good luck with the job interview!
An 8 minute one way interview, recording responses to three questions. Went fine, now that makes 3 jobs I'm waiting to hear back from. I'm thinking I'm most likely to get this last one, but hopefully I hear back from the other 2.
Thanks for the huge zap anon! Made my day.
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Much appreciated Carl, thanks for the encouragement
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The frog doesn’t notice the boiling pot. Steam vapour goes with his last hope
@nemo doesn't care, but I mourn the frogs.
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A reminder for all stackers (I wish we had that SN feature with "remindme"):

I am raising here a warning, due to latest psyops (so called wars) and other factors that went under the radar. Is always the same scenario of "make huge noise on something to attract people's attention, but quietly prepare something more evil that normally they wouldn't accept it".
Soon, it will come that day when you will be stuck in your nice cozy NY appartment or whatever big city and you cannot get the fuck out without a permit linked to a CBDC wallet. And is coming faster than you think. Don't sleep on the presumtion that Bitcoin will be adopted before CBDCs... don't lie yourself. We are far away from bitcoin adoption. And before that, CHAOS will be first.
My advice is the following:
  • start ditching fiat ASAP, all of it
  • start building your own bitcoin community around you, near by. THIS is the most important thing!
  • start building a small circular economy between, food growers, services.
  • start educating your neighbbors about bitcoin
  • move away from big cities, change your job if that is necessary
  • if you can, start building your own homesteading place, slowly be as much as you can self-suficient in terms of food and basics. Learn more about plants, growing, tooling, repairing. Learn to have more skills, basic skills.
  • start living a simple life, not complicate it. Life is simple bbut people usually complicate it with unnecessary things.
  • these bitcoin communities will be the only way that will keep you alive and well. Bitcoin will be your "underground" money for a while. Be prepared.
Example, check this. - nearby independent farmers, growers, farm shops (some of them already take btc). Expand these type of maps with Bitcoin, like
Relax, don't get involved in any conflicts outside of your "place". Is not your damn business. Just watch and laugh. Let them kill each others until nobody remains. Is their choice not yours.
I know that for some this sounds very cynical, but is the truth and truth always hurts when is told right in your face.
Don't let your emotions to conquer you. It's all a psyop around you, that feeds from your FEAR. They want your fear but you interpret it as "empathy". Totally wrong. It's the fear inside you that tells you "OMG what if they came after me?" so you retreat in some kind of empathy with one side or another and you have that desire to "help" them.
Don't do it. Is exactly what they want from you: to take sides and "help" but in fact they want you to be involved in their psyop.
Don't be afraid that some gov will shut down the internet. That will be your ultimate freedom and they do not want that. Yes, it could be a scenario where they will request a CBDC ID to be able to connect to internet. That is a real scenario and is dangerous.
That's why is good to start those communities and connect each others, with LoRA, closed networks etc and then at somne point find a door to connect to the rest of the world. Solutions exist today to do that. Read and learn.
*Some were laughing at my citadel calling it a bunker... my reply was: my citadel is my plan A, Bitcoin is my plan B. Few really understand
that answer. I will be the one that will laugh in the end...*
STOP feeding the beast. How?
  • stop using their evil fiat money
  • stop supporting any politician, party, side, movement or whatever shit psyop
  • stop being a shitizen. Citizens do not have rights, only privileges, stop being that slave
  • stop paying taxes, are a fucking lie
You will remember my warning. Call me crazy lunatic, call me whatever you want, I don't fucking care, I just watch and laugh. Because I know I am right.
Muy grande 🔥🔥
It's all a psyop around you, that feeds from your FEAR.
yes, fear is the real problem
Thanks @DarthColn. This post is packed with good information. I really like the idea of creating local bitcoin economies and expanding the btc map. I'm trying that on a daily basis.
Lol, "stop being a shitizen". Will do ser
"stop being a shitizen" memorable.
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Day 178 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Fast today!
__@_'-' is till going strong after 178 days.
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Good morning everyone. Darth Vader joins the Justice League.
Never cross the universes…. Madness beckons
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Need to be celebrated indeed, would I see @saloon over 300 today?
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It was cancelled due to another false flag ongoing
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thanks @nemo ! Paying it forward fun? I would pass it down.!
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I mean zapping other fun 😂
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But @DarthCoin is actually quite right, the interent is their most productive way to brainwash people, I guess many people don't have TV or radio at home now, how such important tool could be shut down?
With that said, ofc it's always good to backup important things and rely less on anything - most miseries come from dependence.
Yes, I always backup things offline. You never know when they will wipe it from internet repos. Videos, books, articles, memes etc... right click save straight to my NAS.
Is also good to make with screenshots of articles. These bastards are always editing the history.
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🔥Action : Set up Nextclouds on home nodes
1207 sats \ 1 reply \ @nemo 10 Oct 2023
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Humans can't go forward without Bitcoin. As I explained in this article - Bitcoin the 2nd fire discovery:
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Looks like it's packed with useful information. Pizza, tipping strippers. This is what I need!
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read before you deleted
yeah, I would share a more details ones, so annoyed by these idiots
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