I want something that I can log into with my node and it'll show me the best potential peers for my node. I know I've seen this sort of thing before (in various iterations) over the years, but I want to know what you think is the best tool for the job these days.
I could have sworn lightning terminal had such a tool, but now I can't seem to find it.
Your articles on LN and in particular bootstrapping liquidity were incredibly useful. Helped get yet another successful node up and running. Thank you Sir. Some great services out there.
I would like to ask you some things:
  • do you run a public or private node?
  • of is a public node, for what purpose you are running it?
Private, locally over Tor.
To understand the challenges & pitfalls, to ensure LN payment reliability, to potentially use for income or side-businesses, to nerd out and understand its challenges, something to "pet" and keep balanced.
No plans for it to be a sandbag for the network. That said, I'm not sure there is a way to run a profitable node even today, without large scale, so I'm very comfortable with incurring some costs on a small separate stack, and to actively contribute for those around me that need it.
It's providing education and utility... not to mention is one additional (actively managed) node on the network.
I think it's quiet an art to decide whom to open channels with, no as things as the best nodes, as it's really depends on the user case, for example:
  • If for merchants, I prefer connecting with different wallets to make it easier for customers to pay.
  • If for personal use, I prefer connecting with the services or products I use.
yes, read this very good round table with LSPs #282711
Check out these offers on magma:
  • low APR channel leases (price w.r.t. capacity and duration)
  • high eigenvector rank (these nodes are in the top 100)
If you need inbound liquidity, these would be the offers to buy from on Magma. The stats are there if you want to hand select offers, but if you want an automated service to buy liquidity like this for you, you should use Hydro ;)
https://gridflare.xyz search your node then request channel suggestions
Thanks for all of the responses! Really appreciate it.
amboss.space does a lot on this note
Lightning terminal will recommend channels to you, supposidly based on what would be best nodes for your graph amd for the network. I dont have a clue how it works internally or how effective it is 🤷‍♂️ but i stilk have such a list logging in as of today.
1ML.com is pretty good; don't connect your node to surveillance systems.