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Like John Fogarty, I guess I've got that old traveling bone. I have the urge to drive across the United States using only bitcoin. Like @carlosfandango, I am a huge fan of Jack Kerouac's On The Road. I made two round trip road crossings in my teens and early twenties, and I'm itching to do it again. I assume @carlosfandango will be riding shotgun, taking notes for the first Great Bitcoin Novel, while @nemo throws stuff out the window from the back seat. Has anyone else thought of this? I could make my first stop at Pub Key, but then things will get tough. My inclination would be to head to Nashville, then Austin, and then on to Los Angeles, with many stops in between. I guess I would rely heavily on the Bitcoin Company for gift cards. It's still a pipe dream, but I'm looking for suggestions.
That would be amazing…
“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.”
There it is!
This will be a great Bitcoin journey
Via Orange Pill app, I'll bet you could find plebs who would be willing to host you for free or sats. And would sell you meals. I think there's a lot of people who actually want to start exchanging things for bitcoin - using it as money. Have a good story - easily available info about you, so that they know you're not an ax murderer, and would be willing to take you in. Take a look at http://warmshowers.com. It's a site for long distance cyclists, who are both offering and asking for accommodations. The ones most likely to get hosted are those with some information available (and good reviews). Also, I think there's some kind of bitcoin native AirBnB type site, can't remember the name. That might be an option.
I was thinking the same thing. My inclination would be to pay for room and board with bitcoin. The obvious drawback is that you would have to doxx yourself. It's a tradeoff, because it could be a great orange pilling opportunity if done right.
Cool idea. Once complete you can do the world tour.
That would be great. I'm heading your way if Trudeau lets me in without proof of vaccine.
They lifted that mandate but I think you still need to download an app and commit your undying allegiance to Trudeau when visiting.
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I heard Tampa, FL has a great bitcoin scene. https://www.bitcoinbay.live
I used to have family in Tampa. Thanks for the link.
On second thought, I think I might need room for a few more merry pranksters.
Good plan. Not sure everyone will get in a ‘49 Hudson Commodore….
Now you're talking. I would be too embarrassed to take my 2006 Toyota.
"Bitcoin only" is ideal. Enjoy the the your trip. Looking forward to have similar experience.
I like The Bitcoin Company, but I would only want to use gift cards as an emergency backstop. I would rely on btc map and the Orange Pill app for tips on finding businesses that accept bitcoin.
Have you gotten any more information about this trip yet!?
It's just a matter of me finding the time.
No bitcoin, but the technology used to create it, named blockchain. 😁
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I know this, but it is not what I meant. Too simplistic, go beyond...
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I assume you mean the Jamaica station of the Long Island Railroad?
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I've done it a few times