Via Orange Pill app, I'll bet you could find plebs who would be willing to host you for free or sats. And would sell you meals. I think there's a lot of people who actually want to start exchanging things for bitcoin - using it as money. Have a good story - easily available info about you, so that they know you're not an ax murderer, and would be willing to take you in. Take a look at It's a site for long distance cyclists, who are both offering and asking for accommodations. The ones most likely to get hosted are those with some information available (and good reviews). Also, I think there's some kind of bitcoin native AirBnB type site, can't remember the name. That might be an option.
I was thinking the same thing. My inclination would be to pay for room and board with bitcoin. The obvious drawback is that you would have to doxx yourself. It's a tradeoff, because it could be a great orange pilling opportunity if done right.