An obvious one for everybody here: Alexa and her imitators.
I would be ok with Alexa like device that is local, does not connect to third party servers for everything, unless I command it do to it, like "google something for me". Something like Siri offline mode, but open source.
You might be interested in looking into the Home Assistant solution to voice commands
Thanks! Now I remember seeing that project before, but had already forgotten about it.
Yeah it's pretty cool, and 2023 was when they committed to solidifying voice commands. They post regular updates on their blog there are some pretty awesome posts detailing each step of the way I'm not actually a user of Home Assistant, as I live in a poor country and getting the equipment to setup a smart house is very expensive lol but I did look into it at the beginning of the year and their focus on finally getting voice work done was what interested me the most
I felt off about these and Siri and all the other voice bots ever since they first hit the market…such an obvious red flag
Anything I can “turn on with my voice”…HELL no