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Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
I'm done with personalized feeds, but I'm going to spend another day testing it and trying to improve the performance of it.
Then I'll probably merge PRs and begin ...

working on user generated subs

working on user generated subs
prepare for the flood of shitcoiners...
Nothing related to BTC, just working on my PhD proposal this week
feel free to elaborate
So, basically I work on cognitive neuroscience which you can think of interaction between psychology and neuroscience. And I have to submit a PhD proposal application for DAAD funding before 20th Oct, and prospective supervisor asked to do last minute changes. I have to rework on whole proposal now by tonight, scraping off 2/3rd of the proposal and adding few new studies related to EEG and brain activity.
So, is it true that people only use a small percentage of their brain or people are just that stupid? Just kidding :) Good luck getting that DAAD.
Hahahh, that's very much true that we use only a small %age of our brain out of everything it is capable of doing, but mainly because we are not exposed to such environments that helps us grow. We call it "BRAIN PLASTICITY" in scientific terms. You will find this very interesting, just google london cab driver study
Thanks a lot bdw :)
Thx for sharing.
Its a nice subject
i always had a soft side over psychoplastogens.. the mind is something indeed amazing
@duuv mentioned i should build the charts i shared yesterday into a website, i hope to get some time this weekend to work on it.
i think i’ll add the inflation charts (and more) to Stack Sats using chartJS with some guidance from my trusty developer, ChatGPT.
Making a to do list for my web based bitcoin podcast player. Adding more podcasts to the list. Learn to code properly. Add lightning or nostr auth to have a save favorites feature. Learn to code properly. Explore progressive web apps. Learn to code properly. https://hodljuice.app
hanging with one arm!
after managing to hang with both arms for one minute, it's time to go further.. afterall we are apes in a spinning rock =D
Trying to make sense of the differences between all these different software licenses:
  • AGPL-3.0
  • CC-BY-SA
  • GPL-3.0
  • LGPL-3.0
  • MIT
  • MPL-2.0
  • ???
I haven't found a better site that explains them: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/
Awesome! Bookmarked =)
Getting another article out the door on coinjoining strategies & probabilities, once I've wrapped my heads around the math some more.
My blog : RUS7Y.com
I think i will go ahead with astro.build to set it up
  • started with maintaining and setting up a dev stack for nostr-php
  • A NIP-23 (nostr) module for Drupal link
  • setting up my bolt.fun profile
  • writing Why Nostr resonates
  • fixing my Python3 installation on of my Ubuntu machines (it's hard...python3-commandnotfound errors...)
  • someone of the ISP is coming to fix my glasfiber connection which already takes more than 6 months! looking forward to my 1gb connection up & down
  • going to bed earlier than past weeks - I'm trying
  • tested out how to stream on zap.stream with OBS (this is cool!)
  • setting up Gitlab CI/CD for my own (renewed) website (which is not live yet)
  • doing client-work in Drupal and Vuejs
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would be really funny when we actually meet @DarthCoin
find some cats on your trip, and pet them :)
tamam, would send proof!
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Why @DarthCoin is so quite, doing deep work?
  • I have some personal stuff to finish
  • helping a neighbor to bring his cows from the mountains
  • slowing down my "activity" on SN (aka better watching the shitcoiners)
Building his citadel... ?