I was just wondering what some of the potential problems with the lightning network are? I don't understand it as well as I do the bitcoin blockchain, which admittedly is not the much, either. I noticed a problem when I first tried the Strike app, (although this was a bug with the app itself, I'm sure) where I was able to withdraw funds to WoS, and the funds were both available to me on Strike and in the wallet the following day. (I was able to withdraw the funds again to another wallet.)
I don't imagine that this was something to do with the nature of lightning, but it got me wondering, so I'm here to ask those who may know. Anyone encountered any funny bugs, or any security issues which are of real concern? How secure are these plug and play nodes, for instance? RaspiBlitz, in my case.
Is it an issue that lightning doesn't have a verifiable blockchain like Bitcoin main net? Where should I go to read about this? Lots of questions, I know. Mainly, just wondering about the big issues people are concerned with.