There is nothing more communist than seizing the means of production (of money) so he might like that. But seriously congrats on reaching across the aisle. You are better than me at finding common ground with folks who are not aligned with yourself politically.
No congratulations are in order since I have accomplished nothing. You raise a good point about the means of production. The Marx/Engels "withering of the state" concept, though a fantasy, presents some common ground too. Most modern U.S. progressives, unfortunately, worship the state and its power.
The worship of the state is an odd one. I have a friend who is one of these statist types and even something simple like a statement that the internet and it’s benefits are the result of private companies and entrepreneurs taking risk results is an argument that the internet couldn’t exist without the state. Frustrating.
I know I'm generalizing and stereotyping people, but I'll continue for argument's sake. My fellow US boomers on the left seem to have statist tendencies, but the 18-35 crowd have what I would call an anarcho-syndicalist bent. I find much more common ground with some young people on the left.