Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I'm watching this video about the Smits Gang, a group of baboons supposedly terrorizing people in Cape Town. Crazy story. I know there are a few stackers here who could shed light on this crazy story?
Hey Stackers,
The 3d printer and miners have been running full tilt, I have the PLA+ filament, so I thought i'd try printing the lower receiver of a FOSS glock after the cable chains and fan covers.
This will be my wifes first bull run being orange pilled, I'm looking forward to her reactions.
That sats link from coinkite looks fun as hell to play with, hopefully it'll turn into a Validating lightning signer, nostr signer, mesh network doohicky and whatnot.
Still couldnt fix the LNbits api problem I was having with Hustle5, looks like its time to head back and learn machine to machine with Topher in the Nostr Dev course. Might get distracted and check out what Justin Moon is doing with his "Build a fedimint module" Youtube video.
I need to hit another 10k run to finish my October 100k Challenge, still need to find time to read, should apply to more jobs, should probably calm down on the coffee's
And the zeus lightning address is nice, Lnbits is nice, looking forward to more e-cash/fedi stuff.
Howdy partners. Yesterday morning I said I was excited for a big Bitcoin week and Monday didn’t disappoint!
Very busy at the fiat mines these last weeks but celebrating my 21 days today
started to watch foundation, so good, thanks! @DarthCoin
I recommended it to @Car last week too. Silo is a better book2screen imo, but foundation is still pretty fun to watch.
thanks! one more good show to watch; it seems I would never run out of good stuff to watch, @nemo also recommended many great movies.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 25 Oct 2023
ya foundation was tuff to get through, silo was perfect
oh no, now I'm having high expectations 😆
After 14 years of Bitcoin, people still asking this on r/Bitcoin, just make me think that this planet is doomed.
hahah, the restaurant owner was so smart today - private transaction, wink wink.
would people one day ask if it is legal to spend time with family members?
Sadly, yes
Fun fact: Legal and illegal mean different things in different countries, so who are these people get to decide?
But honestly, if my behaviors didn't harm anyone, and I'm not lying, that I don't see what's the problem.
I just needed a good night's sleep.
I miss the bear market already. Bull markets make humility optional.
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 Oct 2023
so it's official? @k00b misses the bear market, that means we're in a bull market?
Definitely not official. I just prefer when there's less mouth vomit about price.
Just ordered a bitaxe ultra to take my first steps into mining, lfg
From where?
reply , awesome local Asic shop here in Canada!
Thanks! looks good.
Really nice crew of guys over at D-central. I just hosted a bitcoin stage last weekend at Hackfest 2023 (Qc, canada), and they were speakers & sponsors for our stage.
Started a 21-day challenge in which I aimed to learn something new about Bitcoin or interact with its ecosystem every day. I would also record my progress on Stacker News.
Day 13 - Had some USDT on Kraken. Swapped it for BTC and then transferred the sats to my Muun wallet. First time I made a withdrawal to the Lightning Wallet successfully from a CEX. Feeling good about myself.
Suggestion for day 14, learn to use a real lightning wallet
Tbh I tried to use Phoenix but it was so complicated for me that I gave up. What self-custodial wallet would you suggest for novices like me?
Thanks for the link! Will do as you recommended
Amazing how people still consider Muun a LN wallet. I feel like I wrote all those guides for nothing...
Not for nothing! I use my Muun wallet to buy gift cards from Bitrefill, that’s all
savage but lol
It might be time to raise posting costs ... people are posting absolute repetitive garbage.
What if, instead of having a cool down period, a users posting cost increase or decrease by certain x% amount which is determined by the success of the previous post?
The more successful the previous post, the less your next post cost. I think this would deter users from posting random stuff and it would encourage them to make sure what they post are valuable to the community.
You can have a scale: horrible (between 0-100 sats), good (101-500 sats), excellent (501 upwards). Depending on where the previous post ranks by the time a user post something new, the post fees will get a % increase or decrease according to that rank.
That's a nice twist. It's difficult to communicate but might be worth doing.
I'm glad you like the idea.
It would be neat to make posting costs dynamic. There's some optimal flow of posts, so why not use some form of peak pricing?
Great idea! That sounds like such a rabbit hole though.
That sounds like such a rabbit hole though.
You said that like it's a bad thing. Isn't this a fun problem to think about?
Here's a really simple jumping off point: Posting cost = number of posts on SN in the past hour
Definitely not a bad thing. It's such a good thing it's a bad thing! I'm surrounded by rabbit holes.
That's actually so simple it's brilliant.
Thanks, I just checked and that would be about 10 sats for the next post. Pretty reasonable for now and it scales well with new users
raises posting costs to 2 sats
Lmao. Won't make much of a difference.
tbf I was thinking 10
or 21? not much but still a nice quality filter
just ordered a drink to test whether the owner really understood what I showed him during lunch time, waiting for the invoice now 😂
Fiat mining trip to Mississippi and Alabama.
Stack sats, stay humble
Pull requests should be like bitcoin mining. You should put in a lot of effort but it should be very easy to verify that what you did is correct.
Good morning gang, it's Tuesday, day 2 of the week, and we gotta keep on keeping on, it's a rainy day here but the air feels cool but not cold, amazing!! I wish you all a phenomenal day, may it be filled with joy in what you do, love and support. We've got this, why? Because we're awesome, never forget that you're important and you and what you do matter. Thank you for being, let's do this. Be well and stay frosty my good friend.
Top shout - haven’t heard this in a while!
Song of everyday!
I'm calling in an emergency meeting:
@nemo is gone since 4 days and lost his cowboy hat!
no, 71 today - everything seems alright?
Ohh, you looked at the streak!
I thought you could still see the hat on. Since we used to only have a setting which hides your from top stackers. I forgot we added a new privacy setting that makes your hat completely disappear.
But this streak thing works like a privacy leak.
I stand corrected, @nemo is still watching over us :)
he has been hiding his hats for a long time! sneaky @nemo
But this streak thing works like a privacy leak.
and yes!
We should fix that
why? I think this small detail is so great, so subtle and barely causing any attention, as others really need to pay attention throughout 24 hours to "see" the change.
Because it's a privacy leak. I think people want to hide their hat to not show how or if they are active on this site. And as we can see, showing of their streak makes this impossible. Or we can introduce another setting just to hide your streak 🤔
I think people want to hide their hat to not show how or if they are active on this site.
or maybe they only want the people who pay attention to know they are still around?
Or we can introduce another setting just to hide your streak 🤔
this is better, having options.!
I asked this the other day…. @Natalia suggested he was watching…
Yes, because hat was still on
Now hat is not still on
yesterday was 70 🥸
You are right, I forgot what to look out for, lol
Thanks! @Natalia saving the day!
he's in a secret meeting with Klaus Schwab
I was wondering where he went. The place ain't the same without him.
66 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 Oct 2023
Maybe Agent Smith got him
I can see nemo lurking around and shit posting using a new nym. Time for some forensic evaluation.
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
You can't drop a bombshell like that without any pictures. Did you at least try to orange pill him?
I was terrified! I don't have that kind of courage.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 Oct 2023
This night, I dreamed of encountering a speaking bear and he said he wants to eat my puppy.
Then I drove away on a bicycle with my puppy in a casket basket for groceries.
So I can understand that you were terrified.
edit: I meant basket, lol
See? It's no fun, especially if you really have a puppy. Not as abstract.
is lightning experiencing any technical problem, most of my lightning enabled app"s are on node maintenance 🤔
Please send the complaint to the Bitcoin CEO and we will get back to you ASAP
and where exactly could i find the ceo?
here. Don't you see it? I just sent you a picture.
yeah i just noticed. ceo looks 👌
I haven't experienced an technical issues with my applications. I might be wrong but I think SN would have had issues as well if that was the case.
LOL NGU people praising Saylor are so pathetic...
Dec 4, 2020
Also, I think Saylor was just saying out loud what everyone else thinks what's important for institutional adoption
I believe institutional adoption is important, as long as core values are not sacrificed.
Bitcoin is for everyone, including our enemies.
I will repeat this over and over until more people will get it...
Those institutions never want you to be free, they just want to control the masses.
they just want to control the masses
I 100% agree with this statement. If they can control us then they will essentially control our freedom.
Yes, that's what they want but it's important that we got to this point.
Imo, it was inevitable that this will happen on the path to bitcoin mass adaption. Institutional adoption is just one step on this path. I see no way around it.
Most people won't adopt bitcoin without institutional legitimation first. And yes, they will first use paper bitcoin, but we all started somewhere.
That's true. Institutions will inevitably stick their claws into Bitcoin just like they did with Gold. It's already happening. They are the one's that's starting to control the Bitcoin narrative. Look at the 360 Blackrock pulled with Bitcoin not being environmentally friendly. Now they are praising Bitcoin for being environmentally friendly when in reality it was environmentally friendly from the get-go.
and this is how bitcoin will die slowly...
I doubt Bitcoin will die at this point in its lifecycle. It will however get to a point where institutions will control it to some degree. They have the resources and the tools. They've been doing it for decades now with Gold.
But then again, I might be wrong. Only time will tell. I'm just enjoying the ride for now.
Nope, quite the opposite as long as the network can defend itself :)
Do I have more faith in bitcoin that @DarthCoin?
Do I have more faith in bitcoin that @DarthCoin?
Yes, you do. Lol.
Side note to remember. We've already seen Blackrock owning shares in big mining firms. This means that with enough resources 'capital' they can control a relatively large percentage in the overall network:
Looks like there's a lot more thirsty hombres around SN. What gives, man?
Didn't you know the saloon has a special on Tuesdays. Buy one get one free.
I will read everyday the SN saloon with the hope will be another post from @Natalia how she onboard a new merchant into using Bitcoin.
Accepting Bitcoin is all that matter.
coming soon, just went there again and showed the owner how to use LN - more fun and lower fee 🤓
What about institutions accepting/adopting bitcoin? lol
Those are meaningless. Those only want you to use BTC over KYC and control it. Don't get drunk with water. Bitcoin is RESISTANCE MONEY.
No wonder BTC has been trending upwards lately. All those shop keepers she orange pilled started FOMOing hard into Bitcoin.
Price is a distraction, I actually want to live a life without dealing with fiat; I don't pill people to increase the price, haha, I pill them because I then don't need to exchange local fiat.
As I mentioned in this post, yes indeed, it's possible to exchange with fiat without KYC, but paying directly in Bitcoin is much simpler, so I can do more of the things I like.
they can't say no to Natalia :)
I spotted Natalia's nomad van in the wild...
I prefer more subtle things hahha, wouldn't want to attract too much attention with a van like this 😂
Day 192 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Welcome __@_'-' Almost 200 days. Any plans to have a mini celebration when hitting the 200th day?
at this rate maybe we won't even hit 200 lol
Lmao. So true. What was your personal prediction again?
I'd have to check, but I think it was around 220-250 (so basically EOY).
I'm starting to think this range might be doable. But then again, when I look at the halving which is 171 days away, I think it might take around 400 days in total. The reason for this is because Bitcoin usually breaks previous highs after the halving. Maybe end of next year we see 100k if not higher. Fingers crossed. Either way, I'm in it for the long haul.
65 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 Oct 2023
Mine was 420. Easy to remember!
Oh yeah. I really hope we get there before 420 days. Maybe 419 days, Lol ;)
No snail? Check price…
Price is looking mighty fine. Snail is most probably on its way.
Happy for him to take as long as it needs. It’s arrival is inevitable.
I never check price
It’s just a joke at the expense of @orthwyrm
1 Bitcoin is still 1 Bitcoin. However, the day the snail doesn’t appear it must be because BTC has hit 100k.
I will be the guy with the bell ;)
Lol. Just another rung on the ladder to adoption…
…outta this world…
Yeah! Snaily is fighting an intergalactic war with the establishment.
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