Posted a couple weeks ago briefly taking about the importance of good money. It it I mentioned a great debate between Jeff Booth and George Gammon -- I highly recommend you go give it a listen.
That being said, I've been getting more of an itch lately for great Bitcoin debate material. Recently re-listened to Saylor's "debate" with Raoul (rug) Pal, and now looking for more.
Any good debates you've listened to in the past few weeks? Or long ago!
The weekly back and forth between @Car and @k00b about the top cowboy segment on SNL lol
Car: "did you saw the price?" k00b: "stop talking about price!"
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I got so heated that morning lol. He mentioned the price like 10 times within 2-3 minutes and I asked him 3 times to not talk about price. I was already annoyed by it being all over SN.
the only debate that matter
This is an oldie but it’s so good
Kinda shocked I haven’t seen this one…thanks
Lmk what you think!
god listening to peter speak is so (expectedly) painful...all his arguments are continually stuck in 2009, he cant take the gold goggles off. He would be such a valuable bitcoiner if he ever jumps the gold ship, many would have a lot to learn from him...
Much respect to Voorhees, well spoken as always
Completely agree on all points. It’s clear as day that bitcoin is a superior monetary technology to gold. It’s so frustrating that Peter keeps this shtick going. Glad you enjoyed it :)
I also really liked the Booth/Gammon debate. A great example of how two people willing to listen to each other while arguing can really elevate the conversation. I'll try Saylor/Pal, but I find Pal almost unlistenable at this point, and most of us can recite Saylor in our sleep now.
Lol yup the Raoul one wasn’t even a formal debate, they just get into it towards the end of the podcast. Also an old one. Good clips for newcomers confused why bitcoin is different than altcoins, not sure how much value stackers here would get from it other than it’s quality entertainment
🀣🀣 sometimes I put on Saylor when I go to bed to fall asleep to!
Great question. And thanks for the recommendation!