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I'm trying to understand what other fun with the ZEUS LN that I possibly missed?
I did a test between Zeus and Blixt. Both are LND nodes. Are fully interoperable.
  • created a new node in Zeus
  • open a channel
  • save the SCB into a .bin file
  • fully shutdown Zeus
  • start Blixt (new instance)
  • select recover wallet
  • insert seed + scb .bin file
  • wait to sync and close channels
  • funds recovered onchain perfectly
DO NOT OPEN BOTH IN THE SAME TIME! Maybe I will do a test on the way around Blixt ā€”>Zeus but should work just fine.
Later I will try another test, "recovering" a dead Umbrel node (LND) into Zeus, with the SCB data. It should work too.
I just found a fun use for it
  • create a new node in Zeus
  • use it to register a new account in SN
  • do the fun that you shared before
And for login on SN you don't even need to open channels. secret trick
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oh, fun hack! using it for recovery, let me do a test too.