Fun fact: did you know that with Zeus you can generate AMP invoices? But keep in mind that for now, only LND nodes can support paying these AMP static invoices. This can be useful for small merchants using Zeus node, for repetitive fix amount invoices.
Atomic Multi-path Payments (AMP) are a type of Lightning invoices that can be paid multiple times.
Fun fact: did you know that with Zeus you can generate AMP invoices?
but isn't default in Umbrel node? 🤔 and yes, I did saw that option.
I also discovered a new feature in Zeus last night, in each transaction it shows the path, with details like which node forwarded your sats and how much sats they charged, so cool.
PS: do you know how the route hint works? just saw this one.
but isn't default in Umbrel node?
No, you need to add a line in lnd.conf to support AMP
Try also keysend. Is like those secret messages over SN 😂😂
PS: do you know how the route hint works? just saw this one.
route hints are like secret indications to the payer node to find the proper route to your private node (that is behind a LSP node)
what I did in Umbrel node was go to Lightning Node - advanced setting - routing, then enable the AMP.
route hints are like secret indications to the payer node to find the proper route to your private node (that is behind a LSP node)
Just tried and yes, it says you need to enable the LSP, so it can be a lazy way of opening a channel with the payer directly? 😂
In a payment your LSP is the last hop in that route hints. The LSP knows your nodeID and fw the payment to you through the private channel you have with. The LSP could be any other public node you are connected to.