Having a weird data connectivity issue on my Pixel. I have to use an old laptop for my SN surfing. I'm uncomfortable.
I am the way around: using SN only on desktop and barely on mobile. I do not like to use mobile for this stuff. My mobile is exclusively for paying / receiving sats over LN and few calls. Nothing else.
Frustrating. Never tried old school SN posting..
And I I read your comment in the style of a speedy 1920s newscaster reading the wires. Finished with ‘Siggy may resort to carrier pigeons. Stay tuned for more updates.’
There was a time a while back when I would only post on my laptop. Now I'm a fish out of water. I feel like I am missing out on all the wisdom and fun I find on here. I even miss the crap.
You do lose the accessibility that comes with a smartphone. I wonder how the quality of posting would be if we could only post from computers. The power would lie with the idle-at-work desk jockeys I guess…