but unfortunately she was quite brainwashed by the schools and also her mother with the excessive protection behavior created an opposite effect. So I gave up.
how's that possible being around someone with such strong force and got brainwashed?... but then I'm also the opposite of my parent, quite interesting - so what's the art of parenting? 🧐
"there's is the door, go and see now that I was right all along."
I wish my parent say this to me, but now I'm standing on my feet, they still think I'm a kid.
I could use the mind trick force or choking, but that would have a total opposite effect on her. With a kid you must leave them to decide for themselves at young age. If they will choose wrong, they will remember later. If not, then they will became NPCs... but that is not my responsibility anymore.
One thing is clear: you cannot force anybody to be free. Freedom must come from your inside.
Well said. Kids are individuals. Sounds obvious, but as parents we subconsciously think they are mini versions of us. That's our own ego. They will be who they are. Just do your best to provide love and support.
And rules
Just do your best to provide love and support.
THIS. all the rest leave it to flow
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