It'd be nice if they used nostr communities and used hashcash.
I'm not sure nostr is ready for this, But i'd rather have something spun up and going that's rough than nothing.
This is pretty sad to see. End of an era. I hope some enterprising devs can continue the mailing list legacy in some similar way.
They can move the conversation to bitcointalk. That seems like the easiest and most obvious solution.
Longer term, they should adopt nostr and help it develop into a proper platform. Even though nostr is currently in heavy development, it is still far more accessible and manageable than running an MTA server.
This is pretty damming...
Based on one conversation I had with core contributors on twitter, I think they'd be happiest on Delving Bitcoin as it has all the features they want.
Arguably, it's kind of a regression but afaict it's a regression in ways they're confident aren't important.
Discourse (which Delving Bitcoin uses under the hood) is great. The only thing I find discourse lacks is a holistic feed across all spaces or channels.
Not entirely sure why they haven’t built that yet, given the market demand for it is clearly there, being present across all social platforms and communities. The feed is everything for discovery.
Probably less so for this use case, however. But it would help with visibility of changes & issues.
there's already been censorship of my peers comments on that platform. it's not ideal.
How does that happen, if they self-host? Or the owner of the site is being too “trigger-happy”?
do you have documentation on self hosting to counter the trigger happy behavior?
if it means going a different website to participate in the same uncensored conversation, it seems rather obtuse.
I meant that the website is built using a 3rd party discourse server. It’s open source software. It will be run by the same person/team that owns the domain.
One of the things I considered building a couple years before SN was a modern take on mailing list software.
Funny enough, I was thinking the same. Something like you have to zap to have your post sent on the mailing list. Else your message stays in a queue.
Never got around to it. Well that and market fit is tough for mailing lists already. Let alone a mailing list people would have to pay to post. 😅 But then again, SN is kind of brilliant because of this. 😎
For the Google Groups web interface, you can use it with a non-gmail account, but you must create a Google Account which is free to do. it does not require any personal information to do so.
this is not true. you have to give up phone number
I don't see a group of cypherpunks adopting google as their communication platform really