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I have been producing all sorts of blog content for years and almost all of those articles in recent years have been bitcoin content. When it comes to finding useful bitcoin images to use in my articles, almost all royalty-free image services have nothing but those stupid physical coins for bitcoin images. Here is an example of what I am talking about.

Creating Quality Royalty-Free Bitcoin Images

I have been using Unsplash for all of my images for a few years now because I love their sort of freemium "open source attribution" model. They provide a platform for photographers to show their photography skills, give away their work for absolutely free, grow their following, and potentially get hired for photography jobs.
Since I can't stand the lack of quality bitcoin images that are available online, I have decided to create bitcoin images and release them to the entire world via the Unsplash license. It's my hope that bitcoin content producers all around the world can use my bitcoin images to build and create whatever they want without worrying about paying any sort of royalty. As far as the price of bitcoin images is concerned, it's a race to the bottom.
IMHO, bitcoin is best visualized as nodes, miners, private keys, seed words, orange pills, 0s & 1s, and anything else that the pleb network can come up with. Bitcoin is definitely NOT a physical coin with a "B" embossed on it.
To get some of my first bitcoin images published, I purchased a broken S9 just so I could take pics of the hash boards, upload them to Unsplash, and let anyone in the world use them without having to pay me a royalty. I will upload more in the not so distant future but for now here is my collection of bitcoin photos.
I want this to help people like you to have access to quality bitcoin images at zero cost. The more images I am able to publish (and other bitcoiners who want to publish free photos), the more content that we can all use to produce quality bitcoin content like featured bitcoin images, art, etc.
Here is an example of what I am talking about. This is a blog post by Foundation Devices: https://foundationdevices.com/2023/06/make-12-words-the-standard/
They were able to write this article and use my seed phrase image without needing to ask me for permission to use the photo or attribute credit to me.
What sorts of images do you need or would you like to see more of? I will do what I can to produce them and publish them on Unsplash so we can drown out all of the images of silly bitcoin "B" coins.
If you want to help fund more quality bitcoin images, you can just zap some sats here on Stacker news or you can donate here on my Geyser page and let me know what you want more of.
Even better, if you're a bitcoiner who think you can create quality bitcoin images, please join me and publish some of your own royalty-free bitcoin images.
Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes in any way they can.
500 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 9 Nov 2023
Bookmarked! These are excellent
Thanks a bunch, K00b! Please let me know if you need any other bitcoin related images. I will see what I can do to make them happen.
Great Jon, I especially like the ones you've recently uploaded.
Great photos, to buy a broken S9 just to photograph shows commitment.
When you're photographing objects with straight lines so closely, do you need to adjust to prevent the lines from bending? It can only be done easily if shooting 'raw' I believe.
Is Bitcoin a category on this site? I see it listed in your interests, but not in the bottom list.
Thanks a bunch. The S9 was a bit of an expense but I also have plans to make some art with it once I am done with all of the photos I need.
As far as the straight lines are concerned, I don't really think I need to shoot in RAW. I just shoot in .jpg and everything seems to be turning out ok so far. Maybe I need to do some more experimenting with RAW.
I can only tag it how I want to tag it but I think the staff at Unsplash ultimately make the decision as to what shows at the bottom of each image. Since it's not blatantly "Bitcoin", I don't think they tag it as bitcoin. I think they will learn in time.
Hey again Jon, here's another Bitcoin image idea to explore (inspired by this really quite negative one):
Here's another Bitcoin image idea (inspired by this really quite negative one):
This photographer has gone to some lengths this is an obvious photoshop 'wallet' put into a phone. However, it's inspiring to see a creative 'wallet shot'. Not sure if I've seen too many of these.
We have very few people in Bitcoin shots. Itd be good to personalize Bitcoin. Perhaps using a lightning wallet to pay for items such as coffee? Coffee, wallet or logo emphasized or defocused would really make a playful shot with lots of info gently slotted in.
I believe I've recently heard of people making Bitcoin coffee stencils for the powder to go through on top of froth - that's a great idea for another, different simple shot too - subtly implying buying coffee with bitcoin.
Hope these might help.
Great idea! Thanks for posting.
Happy to help. Please let me know if you need any specific types of bitcoin images. The more we have, the stronger we all become.
you can also use https://www.bing.com/images/create to prompt an image into being
Good to know. I know there are a bunch of AI image services popping up all over the internet. Hopefully these images can help the AI to better understand that bitcoin is not a physical coin with a "B" on it.
Interesting. Thank you for sharing
Happy to help. Please let me know if you need anything specific. I can't be sure of I can produce them but I can add it to my list for future images to create.
Personally i preffer to use AI stabledefusion to make my own bitcoin related images.
Love it! I've felt the same thing for some time, never occured to me to be the change. Good on you for doing it and working hard!
Thank so much for your kind words. I will keep publishing quality images and hopefully we can drive out the bad images with quality images.
These are great, thank you
Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you like them. Use them for pretty much whatever you want. You don't even need an account to download them.
Love these. The PoW shows!
I'm glad you like them. They definitely took some work to make happen. I have a lot of other pieces of work that I want to get published too. It will take time but I have my time preference set to LOW.
Great initiative and beautiful photos! I particularly like those abstract images. Not sure how your created them, AI I guess? They have some kind of Escher vibes... As you said, Bitcoin is not a stupid "B" coin, as it's something more intangible. It's not a bunch of circuits either, it's more like an idea... So an artist's vision is needed to fully interpret and convey its meaning. Keep up the good work!
Thanks a bunch. I actually shot those in a sort of infinity cube art display. It reminded me of an infinite network so I thought bitcoiners might be able to use them for something.
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No need really since I am giving all of my photos away for free but I I have nothing to lose by enabling file downloads on Geyser so I suppose I would.