I get your point, but I'm glad the guy who invented the wheel and his friends didn't take your advice. It kind of goes against the idea of using collective knowledge. Imagine if Satoshi had followed your advice?
If the wheel wasn't reinvented you'll have them made of stones even today.
For Bitcoin instead... just look at any non-Bitcoin crypto currency. 🙃
I think we are talking past each other. Here's what I mean: There is a cliche that is used in many contexts "don't re-invent the wheel". That's why I brought up the wheel. No longer using stone wasn't a reinvention. It was a refinement, or improvement. I brought up Satoshi because his genius was putting together all the brilliant technology created by cryptographers before him. I'm not a coder, but I think I see your point. By reinventing you learn far more, and relying on the crutch of your old ideas and ideas of others might stifle your creativity and prevent innovation. I would think there needs to be a balance.
I understand, in my case the best example I can give is, you don't build a car using a bicycle as a base. You're not reinventing the wheel here, you're building the right wheel for the right vehicle.
I probably made it a bit too confusing by keeping it too generic.
I'm glad we're on the same page. 🤗