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Many things. One of them was "desobedience to authority".
So I just asked: who gives any authority over me? Nobody could answer that. Then I asked again: so if nobody claim that authority, how coild you acuse me of desobedience of authority?
Case closed.
That's brilliant. It probably wouldn't work for murder but hopefully you don't need to be concerned with that.
Always respect and follow the only true law that exist: Natural Law. And this law is very simple:
  • do not steal
  • do not do damage to others (property damage)
  • do not kill
If more people will respect this simple law we would have a better world.
Study the natural law.
Listen this podacast of readings all kind of books about liberty, sovereignty, voluntarysm etc https://fountain.fm/show/7vJxDvtAlghC9SLOZ842