If SN will have more features and UI for long form writers, blogs, guides etc I would be glad to switch from substack to SN.
But we are long way to reach that phase. SN is still a baby. We need to take care of it and raise it in the right way, slowly.
Could you share the top 3 features you wished SN had for long form writers? I don't do any long form writing myself (yet), so my usual tactic of "make what I want" doesn't work.
I think is too early for SN. Let it grow a bit more. Don't rush it too much. I think we are still in the stage of creating a strong curated community and testing a lot of features.
OP @elvismercury is right about being able to edit long posts. I myself sometimes I made mistakes and/or forgot to insert a paragraph, or want to simply add something more. In general I agree with all he says in this post.
Now that you ask me directly what features I wish to see, (but please, don't put extra effort on this right now, SN is OK in this phase) I will mention some:
  1. Maybe adding an extra cost with sats for later edit. I don't mind to pay extra for my own mistakes. That will make long form posts, more curated.
  2. Add option to "read more" with a small paywall fee, for those content creators (eg. @jimmysong could easily post his paid newsletters like that on SN) that want to use a specific fee for their content. But for this must be a required section of TLDR or introduction for the article, so abusers/spammers cannot take advantage or readers.
  3. In order to have a more curated "feed" of posts/articles, writers must have their own sub like "stacker.news/s/darthcoin" for others to find it easily. Or convert user bio page into a "stackpage" listing all his main posts/articles and the bio could be a separated section. Something like substack have.
  4. Option to export all your articles into a zip file, for backup purposes. Or even maybe a full import from substack of other articles. The markdown formatting on SN is OK, easy to use for many writers, I don't think it needs something else.
Maybe other more professional writers could say more, I am just an amateur, I don't know why you asked me about this 😂😂. Yes I write a lot on SN, that true. Maybe I should slow it down a bit.
Never considered that #2 could be achieved by SN. Been hoping for that product to appear on Nostr but still too early.
Bringing that here would be awesome. Could make SN their primary channel or community, inspite of substack email still being king.
Bonus points if pricing options tied to block time or days, rather than just one-off post access. e.g. 5k sats for 3 months.
That's why I was saying that SN is not ready for this big jump, yet. Articles could be already have an incentive from zaps, a more V4V approach than paid subscribers. Maybe you do not want to read all Darthcoin articles, but just one that the title or the TLDR catch your attention. And for that one, you will pay with a zap or a "read more" option. Many features from substack I think can be implemented on SN, but takes time. We need to do small steps.
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Additional thoughts:
  • make articles searchable by full SEO name not just a number like "items/312673". I tried to search some of my old posts on external search engines and it didn't show up. Maybe for regular SN posts this is a good thing, but if we want to have like a stacker stack, those articles should be searchable and with option to set a specific name for the link.
  • add preview images option, set by the user, or at least take the first image inserted into the article (like substack is doing). When you share the article on other platform will show up nicely with a image as presentation.
  • should be a specific delimitation / separation between regular posts / comments on SN and articles.
Are many little features like these, that could be added later. I don't want to load your memory with them. Small steps.
Well, you can cross-post discussions over Nostr if you want.
Then they'll be readable from blogstack, habla news, yakihonne and Amethyst.
I know but I do not consider nostr well fit for that. Let's not put everything on nostr. All those you mention are working really bad for this kind if things.
As OP said, bloggers need to be able to edit their writings any time. If you do it over nostr that is not possible.
The long form kind should be editable, maybe some relays can stutter thought. 🤔
But it's true that a dedicated platform might be better.