I love thinking about SN product improvements. You’re no different I see @elvismercury. Really appreciate your style of writing, so whatever we can do to encourage more of it would be awesome. I imagine this is a direct spin-off from your book club series, where updates are super frequent and regular at present. Cracking job on making that so interactive and broadening the experience on SN.
Related Thoughts
  • What I see as SN’s biggest issue myself is the fact that content is quasi-ephemeral. That might seem to be a bit unrelated but fixing it would absolutely necessitate changes to the pricing model you outline.
  • Very rarely does content get rediscovered, so there’s less incentive to revisit and follow-up with additions. You’re in the minority, for now at least.
  • I raised the idea of ‘1 week ago’, ‘1 month ago’ anniversary items to appear inside the hot feed, with my post in the saloon. To encourage more ongoing discussion & contributions.
  • I think you’re strictly thinking about pricing changes but would you also want to see Ui changes? In your mind do chunks always best appear in the same post?
  • There could also be a way to more elegantly link Part 1 and Part 2 as separate posts that are visibility linked in some way in the UI. Like a thread, or a lasso. We’re in the Wild West here, don’t forget.
  • Do you mind sharing with us the direct impact and costs of commenting on your own posts? Has it changed your behaviour at all?
I love thinking about SN product improvements.
It's like the world's most exclusive fantasy sport!
What I see as SN’s biggest issue myself is the fact that content is quasi-ephemeral.
Very rarely does content get rediscovered
Agree 100% -- that was the motivation for the first feature idea. But there are other features that could -- I think -- help with this. Part of what would help is construction -- if you can build on top of existing posts/comments, then that older material gets new life. If it's easy to talk about posts/comments, and to find old things to talk about, then people will talk about them. Big opportunity there.
The other one is about discovery. I don't have any great insight on that account, but there's all kinds of ways you could make it easier. The main requirement is to aspire to this goal, and to have an experimental attitude. Search and search UI could be part of this story.
I think you’re strictly thinking about pricing changes but would you also want to see Ui changes?
For sure, I think a little UI help would be the really big leverage, I just know how hard it is to build something like what the SN team have built, so asked myself: what's the smallest possible change that could help with this?
I'll have some UI ideas that accompany my search feature idea. I'll try to remember to tag you when I write it.
Do you mind sharing with us the direct impact and costs of commenting on your own posts? Has it changed your behaviour at all?
I might have communicated this badly -- price to post / comment affects what I've done so far only minimally. The only time it's changed my behavior was the book club posts, where I have a ton of prompts, and one of the days in particular didn't really have time to titrate them in gradually over the course of the day, but dumping like 7 of them all at once would have been 100k or 1m sats or something. That's not nothing.
Aside from that one use case, pricing has never come up in practice. But it would definitively keep me from posting a 30 paragraph essay. I'm not made of money! ;)
commenting on your own posts?
Sometimes can create more engagement and more people get out of being shy and start commenting. Sometimes I watch others posts and if I see that nobody is commenting anything, I just jump in and say something, just to break that ice... you know what I mean? Some posts really need more commenting.
100% agree there. I personally haven’t found that the cost has prohibited me from posting unlike @elvismercury though.
Good feedback. Using the top filter and sorting by different things can produce similar results. Perhaps there could be some that were pre-made for anniversaries.