I have a question regarding this. If Swan is supposed to be only a DCA (buy only BTC) and not selling, how is supposed to know that a new withdraw BTC address (users must always use a new address to withdraw from Swan) is part of a mixing/coinjoin whatever? I can even create a new set of seeds/xpubs everytime I withdraw and nobody could say that my new address is part of a coinjoin.
I find this Swan move quite stupid and over reacted. Or am I missing something?
I used to buy with Swan. I did not want to reuse my withdraw address, so I manually created a new "wallet" each time I withdrew to have a new address. If you want automated withdrawals you have to reuse an address, if I'm not mistaken.
Not mistaken
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Very possible, but that's not what I did. I never moved it automatically.
Yes i was wondering something similar. Is it that they will close your account if an address you sent btc from swan is eventually tied to a coinjoin ?