Yeah I got that, but does that imply they'll remain separate entities, not connected in any way besides login-linking and crossposting capability?
What do you want more? Nostr is nostr, SN is SN. Are two different things that can interact each others. btw... nostr is not just another twitter, is far more than that. Try read:
Excellent points! Oh and both need to scale to continue to thrive!
I've been mulling this over too. SN is it's own island right now, competing with Reddit more than anything else. They both use LNAuth to allow easy sign-ins, but SN content is firewalled away from Nostr users & vice versa.
Meanwhile, Nostr has reddit competitors too that are not firewalled away. (ex: &
It may take a decade or so but eventually this becomes a competition between SN & to replace Reddit. The one with the best network effects wins.
Which do you think will win, the one that can view/interact with all of the content on the Nostr network, or the one whose content is trapped?
which do you think will win
This is not a race. As I said SN is SN with its own type of content and use case, nostr is nostr with other type of use case. Right now people are in a hype srage of using nostr as a replacement of twitter. But nostr is more than that, something that many people still do not realize.
I personally, prefer more SN to communicate, than nostr. I post sometimes on nostr (as social media) but I prefer to use nostr for other things than "social media".