Apologies if this is dumb/obvious, I'm both non-technical and new here, so I don't have a great understanding of how Nostr clients/relays work, nor SN's long-term vision as a platform.
But...I DO like to think big, and try to play the game of piecing together how all of these freedom technologies will work together years down the road, as they continue to gain adoption + prevalence alongside Bitcoin.
From my Nostr research, my dart-throw guess would be that SN will become a client for Nostr, so the user experience would be the same forum-style we know and love, but Nostr followers would all be ported over. (And all Nostr followers using the SN client would be able to follow along our content just like we already do now).
Is that a decent guess? Or are am I way off the mark?
Would appreciate all insights and predictions from those much smarter than me!
Check your SN settings - nostr cross post
Yeah I got that, but does that imply they'll remain separate entities, not connected in any way besides login-linking and crossposting capability?
What do you want more? Nostr is nostr, SN is SN. Are two different things that can interact each others. btw... nostr is not just another twitter, is far more than that. Try https://market.nostr.com/ read: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/lnbits-nostr-market
Excellent points! Oh and both need to scale to continue to thrive!
I've been mulling this over too. SN is it's own island right now, competing with Reddit more than anything else. They both use LNAuth to allow easy sign-ins, but SN content is firewalled away from Nostr users & vice versa.
Meanwhile, Nostr has reddit competitors too that are not firewalled away. (ex: satellite.earth & Oddbean.com)
It may take a decade or so but eventually this becomes a competition between SN & satellite.earth to replace Reddit. The one with the best network effects wins.
Which do you think will win, the one that can view/interact with all of the content on the Nostr network, or the one whose content is trapped?
which do you think will win
This is not a race. As I said SN is SN with its own type of content and use case, nostr is nostr with other type of use case. Right now people are in a hype srage of using nostr as a replacement of twitter. But nostr is more than that, something that many people still do not realize.
I personally, prefer more SN to communicate, than nostr. I post sometimes on nostr (as social media) but I prefer to use nostr for other things than "social media".
It's a decent guess!
Earlier this year I started experimenting with building something like SN on nostr, Outer Space. After awhile it became clear that many of the things I wanted to do on nostr would need to be provided in a centralized way (at least that was the opinion of the nostr devs when we spoke), e.g. our weird algo experiments, our weird economic experiments, etc ... and building a centralized nostr experience arguably defeats some of the purpose of us building on it natively.
So we decided that if we're going to run centralized experiments, we might as well do them here and then support as much interop with nostr as we can. For the time being, we're hoping nostr can be a kind of cofunction social universe that we can build portals to and from wherever our visions overlap.
My goal from the beginning of SN was for it to eventually be a protocol. I suspect that'll happen one way or another. It's just not super clear what SN even is yet so it's hard to evaluate what warrants being built into a protocol or not.
Gotcha, thanks for the catch-up!
Perfect example of how centralization/decentralization is not always this black & white "good" and "bad" dichotomy many people get stuck into believing (coughshitcoinerscough). So many of the coolest things the internet has brought us were only made possible because of centralization; some things are just better that way.
Excited to be part of the journey! 🚀
in light of cross-posting, will you watch for replies to the nostr version of each post and pull them into SN as well?
As a general rule we want to do whatever is best for stackers. I assume such a feature is consistent with that.
Edit to be clear: it'll mostly be a function of our ability to provide it with a decent UX and our ability to filter spam. It's on our nostr roadmap though if roadmaps mean anything.
tl;dr in a common law marriage
Ceremony will be only close family and friends but you're all invited the reception which will be poppin'
Welcome to the sat party!
I was pondering on the same and agree with you. SN as a Nostr client sounds feasible, but I think the Nostr use cases are still to be fully determined. Eventually it could lead to multiple roads, which is exciting as well. Many people on Nostr are currently wondering what will it be and looking for solutions. Just yesterday I had this note exchange on Nostr...
I think the SN would become slower if it were 50% nostr