Okay, this might not be as interesting to others as to me, but I at least found it very interesting how I just discovered old content without even realizing how old that content is:
So I was looking at the front page and have seen that Taking a sabbatical from Bitcoin FOSS has new comments.
The new comment was this one from @031ef7d322:
Not every form of Lightning DoS requires use of an IP address. Channel jamming and other attacks on liquidity, for example.
I thought:
mhh, that's a good point. @031ef7d322 seems to be knowledgeable about lightning attack vectors. Let's see what else they have posted.
So I went to their profile and found this comment, a quote of something:
he said to me, “the internet’s about routing money. Routing packets is a side effect, and you screwed up the money routing protocols.” And I said, “I didn’t design any money routing protocols…” And he said, “that’s what I said.”
That caught my interest. So I decided to see what this is about and clicked on parent.
mhmh, more interesting
Looking at the root item, I found out it's from the Weekend book recommendations post from 30 Sep. So over a month ago!
I also realized I already zapped some comments in that thread so I must have already seen it before, lol
But somehow, it caught my interest again and I think I really need to read this Designing the Internet book now. So I need to read Broken Money faster, lol