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We all know to read 'The Bitcoin Standard' but what is the next series of books you recommend to read after? And in what order?
Broken Money is my favorite bitcoin book by a long ways.
And then read a bunch of non-bitcoin books. Three good ones:
+1 for Broken Money
progressive case for bitcoin
Fiat Food by Matt Lysiak is very good. How to think about economy by Per Bylund is worth giving it a read. It’s like Principles of Economics but lighter. Fossil Future by Alex Epstein gives you tools to debate with climate change enthusiasts.
I really liked Fiat Food. It put the nail in the coffin for conventional food guidelines for me. I'm eating a lot more meat and animal products. I'm also in the middle of listening to an interview with Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise, interviewed by Saifedean Ammous on the Bitcoin Standard podcast. So far the interview is fascinating, I'm going to have to get her book as well. BTW I really like going into Saifedean's older podcasts, there's some real gems in there.
I really enjoyed 'Inventing Bitcoin' by Yan Pritzker. It explains the mechanics very well but you don't need to be a computer scientist to understand it.
Keep reading Saif!
The Fiat Standard Principles of Economics Bitcoin and Black America by Isaiah Jackson
How is Bitcoin and Black America? I never read it but I'm interested in the subject. I feel like in the U.S. African American communities are never mentioned for potential orange pilling.
He updated it recently and he is planning another of his orange pill the community tours. He is raising funds on Geyser. Zay offers a interesting take on the economy for the excluded. It is not just for Black Americans
I will look into it.
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