We've seen a lot of spam recently on LN.tips too. While I don't mind getting free sats now and then, it's quite annoying getting a bunch of notifications just for ads.
Dr. Calle recently posted this on Nostr:
PSA: Probably going to disable LNURL messages below 100 sat payments in LN.tips - the spam has been going wild in recent days. Get rekt spammers.
I don't oppose zapvertising but I think it should be an opt-in feature relying on users instead of advertisers or wallet managers in custodial implementations.
Hi, EagleSats here. We agree with your sentiment. This new way of advertising is incredibly unique and we're all figuring it out as we go! Advertising is not inherently bad, but spam kinda is.... Thats why we made the decision to change to opt-in only. We cut all addresses which we obtained from public means and now only send to addresses that actually want to receive ads and sats.