People talk about it a lot but it hasn't been mentioned here, but I love github copilot. I mostly just use it for writing comments and logs but it does a great job describing what I am doing usually.
Lopps one is probably the best I've used so far for bitcoin knowledge.
There's also chatBTC & spirit of satoshi in the works
Thank you for sharing these! I've only just heard about ChatBTC it's great!
Yeah, this lopp one is pretty amazing. Its like I'm having security discussions with the man himself!
Also, this is just the beginning of this kind of education
chatBTC is very catchy
The only time I've successfully used AI in a productive capacity is to create images for use in a promotional poster, and to make images for the title slide of a PowerPoint. It's pretty good at that kind of thing. I haven't used it to generate text because I haven't felt the need
Not exactly AI (yet) but I use Power Automate a lot, it helps me keep track of things I have to keep track of automatically, I'm guessing it will get easier to use with AI sooner than later.
The evil overlords just want to push the AI agenda to control the population. They do not need too many people, when they have a robots army. With AI, shitGPT and all that crap (open source or not it doesn't matter), they control the information is flow to the new generations. This is how they will shape the young mind, to be obedient workers (like Gorge Carlin said).
You will see today AI shit as fun and "useful" but in fact is a plan for long hit, into next generations.
Remember what Bereznov said about sneaking the communism? It will take 2-3 generations until will be fully implemented.
So TLDR, your opinion is that using AI in any form is helping to feed the enemy, which is not worth the day-to-day helpfulness in the short-term?
Apparently, even the "open source" ones are not completely open. Where is the full dataset used to train them available for download, modification and inspection? If they control the language, they still control the world.
Here's the dataset for gpt-j: Most other free models also have pubicly available datasets and are fully reproducible.
Error 404 when I try to download the Pile.
But I want to believe.
lol here's the torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0d366035664fdf51cfbe9f733953ba325776e667&dn=EleutherAI_ThePile_v1&
This is a long run hit by overlords, like boiling frogs...
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Leveraging cutting-edge AI functionalities has become de rigueur in my daily workflows, and one clandestine gem that has significantly augmented my temporal efficacy is the implementation of autonomous summarization algorithms. The amalgamation of NLP-driven models, such as BERT or GPT, coupled with extractive summarization techniques, permits the near-instantaneous distillation of voluminous textual information into succinct and salient snippets. This expedited comprehension of multifarious documents facilitates expedited decision-making and extraction of pertinent insights, without the requisite for prolonged perusal.
My workflow has also been revolutionized by the clandestine marvel of AI-driven smart scheduling assistants. Harnessing predictive analytics and machine learning, these assistants autonomously scrutinize my historical engagement patterns, preferences, and prioritize tasks with a prescient understanding of urgency and importance. The culmination is a dynamic and self-optimizing schedule that ensures I allocate my time with unparalleled efficiency, diminishing the cognitive load associated with manual schedule management.
In the realm of data wrangling, an often overlooked AI asset is the implementation of automated data cleansing and normalization tools. Utilizing unsupervised learning and pattern recognition, these tools seamlessly discern irregularities in heterogeneous datasets, rectifying inconsistencies and standardizing formats. The resultant data hygiene expedites subsequent analyses and obviates the need for laborious manual data preprocessing, epitomizing the marriage of AI-driven efficiency and data quality assurance.
Embarking on the uncharted frontier of AI-enhanced content creation, I have surreptitiously embraced AI-generated writing assistants. These sophisticated language models, forged in the crucible of recurrent neural networks, engage in a symbiotic dance with my creative prompts, furnishing articulate and contextually coherent textual compositions. This surreptitious augmentation of my writing process, wherein AI functions as a silent virtuoso, expedites content generation while maintaining a semblance of authorial nuance.
Lastly, navigating the labyrinthine corpus of digital content has been streamlined through AI-driven contextual search engines. Infused with the prowess of transformer architectures, these engines disambiguate search queries by contextualizing user intent, thereby furnishing results imbued with semantic relevance. The tacit mastery of my informational needs, exhibited by these engines, eclipses traditional keyword-based searches, rendering them a clandestine champion in my quest for information retrieval expediency.
I use Motion as a calendar app, and it's an unbelievable time saver.