Hey now. We are the Satogram team. Many of the replies here are accurate but we'll do a summary:
  • most lightning addresses pulled from nostr where people publicly shared them.
  • place on our site to manually add your node pubkey or lightning address
  • to be removed off the list, we need proof you control the node or lightning address, otherwise you 'd be able to remove other people's addresses/pubkeys
  • we want wallets to add a filter users can set so that they don't see Satograms under a certain sat value (Zeus has done this) . Or, a separate Satogram "folder"
  • All satograms are tagged with a custom record field so that the htlc can be identified as a Satogram as opposed to a regular payment
  • Wallets who embrace Satograms have a new revenue stream. I.e. custodial wallets can collect some of the sats, or for extra fee feature the Satograms (phone notification, special icon, clickable links, embedded images, etc)
Perhaps an AMA would be good.
Seeking any and all feedback.
When you send to a lightning address, are you utilizing LUD-12 comments? If so, how do you handle the various limits of comment length by various LN Addr providers? Or are payments all via Keysend?
only keysends are being used to send to pubkeys currently. To lightning addresses we use do utilize lud 12 comments but also include in the custom records field the message, inside field 34349334 (as well as the Satogram identifier field 6789998212). Currently we just ensure that the lightning address supports comments, but are not taking into consideration the allowable length. In practice it seems lightning address providers are not adhering to the length that their lightning addresses specify.
Thank you for the response!
In practice it seems lightning address providers are not adhering to the length that their lightning addresses specify.
That’s interesting. IIRC Wallet of Satoshi specifies an allowed length of 32, which felt small. I wonder if they’re enforcing it. SN enforces theirs at 1000 chars
I went to your talk at Adopting Bitcoin, really good!
thank you!
deleted by author
yeah a good point, and I dont think theres a perfect solution for this. If the wallets have barriers to prevent making duplicate accounts and lightning addresses, thats one barrier.
Why is it a requirement to verify/sign your own the wallet to be removed but not to be added?
What if i don't want this spam in my wallet posted on nostr? also this creates an incentive for someone to create multiple accounts and just farm free sats with a lot of wallets, would be amazed if this hasn't happened yet.