We've been calling this staking. It's a feature that https://sphinx.chat has had for a long time.
It's been brought up a few times and I totally agree that we should add it as an option for sub founders. It hasn't made sense to add it to existing subs because all of these things slow growth, but one of the reasons I'm very excited for subs is that we'll hypothetically have tons of subs/economies with different rules running in parallel and competing.
Frankly, I'm open to adding all kinds of governance knobs for sub founders. As an extreme example of something interesting yet not something I'm sure we want to do is supporting coercion. It's something real economies have so why not virtual ones? If participating in subs (ie being a citizen in a territory) is opt-in, sub founders could maybe have some form of government and rule to seize assets of its citizens found guilty of being an asshole or levy more than just "sales tax." I don't think those subs would be popular but I don't actually know. Some people probably want to yield a gun and others probably prefer living under a gun yielded in way that they like.
tldr MVP won't have staking but I'd be happy to add it after the MVP.
Damn, @k00b! I feel like we're explorers venturing into a new world. Exciting times. I'm glad your imagination matches your technical abilities.
This needs a full SNL episode only. @Car please convince @k00b to make a special episode about his topic.
Going to start an toycoin where you can stake and earn wield.
make it "cowboy-coin" that stake bullets for shitcoiners....